I've been meaning to post for days. So much has gone on - we seem to have been so busy and I've had no time to post. To explain the pics first - we went out on Saturday night to Madison Square Garden and saw "Walking with Dinosaurs". It was phenomenal (if short) - if you look closely you'll see a guy walking around who was the narrator and he did a fantastic job. So you know, the dinosaurs were life size...so the guy is really small. I wasn't sure I would enjoy it but it was so cool and they did a fantastic job. From the pics you'd never know we were in the gods.
While we're on the subject of pics I'm ALMOST a convert to Adobe Photoshop Elements. Dory was good to put me onto that and while I think it's quirky and not particularly intuitive, the pics do turn out. Luckily I got a free trial for 30 days and I've been loads of places so I can check it out and decide if I want to buy it. I'm getting better slowly but surely and don't feel such an ameteur any more. The pics in this post were taken with a little ultra Sony point and shoot. Given it wasn't a big kick ass camera with loads of gizmos I think they turned out pretty well. Dory....you'll have to give me your expert opinion.
One of the other things we did last week was get health checks. My company's benefits this year allow for a full medical and because next year it's going away we both went to Rockafella Center and got the works. To give you an idea, it takes about 4 hours.... you get tested for everything, you talk to a doctor, you get weighed (urggggh), then mammograms etc. I have to tell you I was dreading the mammogram never having had one before. I've heard horror stories. There are clearly benefits to big boobs.....because while it wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world it didn't hurt either. Anyway, I'm clear - yippee! One of the coolest things was that they told me I'd lost 22lb since the last time I went a couple of years ago. Yeeeeeeehaaaaa! While this isn't a huge amount of weight in two years I was pretty impressed. Made me eat healthy all day! We get all the full results this week so watch this space.
On the chinese massage place round the corner, Trev got his first massage on Saturday. It didn't go so well and he was very upset as I'd said it was so great. On Saturday night on the way back from the Dinosaurs I went in and complained. It's pretty flipping funny when the guy masseuse is crappy - and the small women are the best!