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Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween 2009

Trev and I have never really been into getting into costumes and the whole Halloween thing. Neither of us did it as kids and I have to say, I really don't get it. That said, this year for the first time in a long time we did make the effort. Our friends Aaron and Lyn who we met in Mexico were having a party and as it was Saturday night we decided we would go. We were told if we didn't dress up that they'd do it for us when we got there. Friday night we went up to the Halloween store, but I was shocked that every outfit was about $40 and that was without all the wigs, shoes and makeup. Rip off. Seriously.

During the day I was off shopping with a couple of friends and thought I had settled on dressing up as Trev as that was easy but then my friend Leslie, who's Scottish, suggested a St Trinian's school girl. I thought that was hilarious - especially as a) I wouldn't need to style my hair and b) stilettos, white shirt and makeup is all you really need. Trev was stuck too....but we found something:)

We had a great time, check out our pics below (here's a link to youtube if you need a St Trinian's explanation)

10-31-09 Halloween at Lyn and Aaron's

The best shortbread

Since Trev isn't working we've been experimenting with different recipes for cookies. Our challenge is that we make our treats, not buy them. Some have been good, some have been bad.... this is awesome:

This is actually a Barefoot Contessa recipe from foodtv.com - I didn't all the chocolate dipping stuff, and I made these with just regular cooking margarine. They were awesome. They freeze well (you can also eat straight from the freezer), and fresh they didn't go "off". Here's the quick version:

3 sticks cooking margarine at room temperature
1 cup sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, sifted
1/4 teaspoon salt

1) Cream the marg and sugar until combined
2) Add the vanilla extract, flour and salt. Mix on low speed until dough is combined
3) Drop dough on worktop and pat together, wrap in clingfilm and refridgerate for 30mins
4) After the half hour, set oven to 350F to preheat
5) Take out dough, roll out to the depth you want (round disks about 1/3rd inch are good)
6) Use a cookie cutter to create the discs, keeping rolling out the dough til there's none left.
7) Put on an ungreased pan, sprinkle with sugar, and bake for about 15-20mins until edges are golden
8) Remove from oven, let cool to room temperature