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Friday, December 30, 2005

Getting ready for 2006

So, our condo is up for sale....looks like we'll be able to break even at least which is nice (and that's even with a realtor fee). Funny this is we had to call the condo guy to ask a question regarding the siding.....and we told him we were putting the house on the market. No word of a lie, within an hour some lady from down the street was knocking on the door saying she may know someone who's interested........now, wouldn't that have been nice to know before signing with a realtor for 7% commission. Oh well, you do what you have to do. The only thing they've asked we fix is the wall in the kitchen that we never got around to painting after we remodeled.

Man, I was mad at the mortgage company today. Last night, going through the bills I noticed they'd charged us a late fee on a mortgage payment. Complete panic ensued and I checked on line and sure enough, our payment had been taken out of our account. Thought it would be OK, but would you believe it ...they'd raised our mortgage payment by $150 (due to escrow) that I don't remember seeing the notice....but anyhow. They said that even though you make a payment it's not applied to the account because it's not the fully amount. Now c'mon - that was a butt load of money they're making money out of......so, not only did we get hit for an $80 late fee...but they can't guarantee that won't affect our credit. Sucks. I was soooooo mad at them.....I slammed the phone down. Oops...

I have my health exam next Tues...now when I scheduled it I forgot I'd be in Vegas the weekend before. Oh well.......let's hope it's good news.

So my resolutions for 2006

- finally lose weight. I'm now fit, strong, lots of strength, not much wrong with me. I'm fed up of not liking myself and my clothes not fitting
- keep up the gym/pilates/yoga/weights when I move to New York (gonna be tough)
- not work so much
- find a brand new hobby/interest
- kickstart the end of my MBA - I've done all the hard work, I'm an idiot for letting it go this long
- not spend every evening in Bar 41 in New York (local pub, right next to work.,...and it's great)

So.....happy new year to one and all

1 comment:

Penny said...

Too bad you didn't know about the buyer before putting it on the market huh? Well, at least the condo looks like it'll be an easy sale!