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Monday, December 05, 2005

We Made It!

So the last post had us holed up in Kansas coz of snow....well we made it back Tuesday night. Phew - don't ever ever ever want to experience that again. It was horrible. I've realized that I'm too old for roadtrips....and from now on will plan my life so I can book airmile tickets to wherever I'm going for the holidays. like that'll happen.....but I can wish! Poor Rachel...she got home only to have it snow more in Iowa!! At least that's not hit us yet - although at the time of writing it's 15 degree's fahrenheit outside.....flipping freezing!

Last week went by in a blur - 2 days late at work so it was bedlam for 2 days before I took Friday on scheduled holiday. yeah! Had a real lazy day....rather than clearing up the house from the roadtrip I got my hair done, met friends for lunch, got the car washed (did u see the pics.....) and then went ot the bar for a beer to send off a friend who's taken a 2 year stint in London with Reuters. Was a good day.

The night before wasn't so good - Trev and I had a huge row with us screaming at each other - this happens less than once a year and I guess this was the once for 2005. It all stems from the fact that he hates his job and my New York job offer isn't going as fast as he'd like....he's frustrated, having a mid-life crisis from turning 50 this year and wants to be settled. I know I should be OK with accepting a job out of state and have him follow me (he's told me a hundred times he's OK with it....I just don't "feel" that he is) but I'm not sure I am. What happens if I move us and I don't like the job, what happens if we don't like the NYC lifestyle (no money, commute, small apartment). We're worried about the green card (still don't have one after 9 years). Oh well.........It's OK now I guess....I just don't like him when he turns vicious and nasty and hateful. The thing is that he forgets what he's said and tells me I'm exaggerating......and I'm not. I'm not saying I'm perfect - but i could tell Thursday night from the moment he walked through the door we'd have a fight....it's almost like he presses all my buttons until I let rip. thank goodness I hadn't had 10 beers....then it would have been terrible. I guess that's what happens when you have 2 A-types living together. We get over it and move on....until the 2006 episode:)

On a lighter note....the weekend went by with lots of sleeping. Went to the gym...my trainer is insane - one day i'll start to lose weight to show off all these new muscles I have. My hips are definitely smaller...and I have thigh muscles! I'm also very strong in the upper body thanks to both the weight training, pilates and yoga. Still don't get the whole mind/body thing for yoga...and really really don't get the whole "breathe into the pain" thing when it's hurting like hell. It's always so quiet in yoga classes...and all I want to do is yell out or laugh when someone drops one (every single class someone lets one out!!). Hilarious.

On New York....I've had a verbal offer of a job but we'v enot talked relocation or salary. Went out to Borders last night and bought a book on moving to NYC and what to expect. One thing I'd really like to get the hang of before we start talking money is where to live. don't know about you but when I hear things like Queens, The Bronx, Brooklyn I have negative thoughts.....probably all the movies I've watched. I had a friend tell me that her apartment in Manhattan (2 bed, 1 bath in mid town) is $4000 a month. I nearly fell on the floor.......... couldn't believe it. We don't pay that in all 3 house mortgages combined - and they're at the 15 year rate! I did find out though that 70% of all new yorkers rent - it's one of the few places in the world where renting is usual...as opposed to buying. Not sure we can afford to buy anything.

Think we've decided to sell both the Iowa and St Louis house if we get an offer I agree to which will give us some capital. Bad time of year here though to do that so we'll see if we can do that....

Started the Christmas shopping this weekend - sorted Peter out (easy peasy), most of Rachel (again easy peasy) and a little of Carrieanne's. Still have to shop for Trev and then some friends. it's all been online so far which is awesome - I love the internet....I'm an addict! Didn't get the tree up or the cards mailed though.....so need to do that tonight.

More later!

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