American Airlines
So, sitting on American Airlines on my way to England I had a few thoughts. I managed to finish all my work (literally!) that I could do. My email is filed, my to do list written, done a couple of jobs and then the battery ran out....this is the "typed up" version. Have to say I've never written a blog on paper before.
My first beef is at American's sooooo cheap! The last time I travelled coach to the UK was in July 2004. Then I only noticed a gin a tonic wasn't available unless I paid (July 2005 was a business trip so doesn't count). It's now so different.
On the bad side:
- Movie channels - terrible. there was a single movie (the Brothers Grimm) and then about 4 other channels of CSI, Joey, Cartoons, News, ESPN. Yawn...
- No snacks and no drinks. You got a drink with both meals - that's it. I'm so glad I brought an extra bottle of water with me.
- The snack before we landed was carb heaven....not balanced at all. We had cheese and tomato pizza, packet of biscuits (cookies) and pasta salad. Not a vegetable to be seen...or fruit for that matter. The first meal was OK.
On the good side:
- The plane was half empty, I had the front row in coach so that was brilliant. Loads of room etc etc
- They've now equipped the plan with cigarette lighter type PC power things. that was great except I didn't have my adapter with me and they wanted $119 to buy one. I'll know for next time!
Because I ran out of PC power (and we all know I'm addicted to PCs, the internet etc) I read the book Trevor bought me for Christmas. Jimmy Carter's latest "Our Endangered Values". Very easy read - read it all in one go on the plane. It looks at religion and politics - from a democrat's standpoint obviously. He brings up anomalies like "how can George Bush want to ban abortion but at the same time send a 20 year old to a war that shouldn't have started".
Oh yeah, and before I forget. I hit at AMAZING milestone. We got to the airport and had coffee...I bent down and guess what?????? My trainers (sneakers) wore out. They have a rip. that has never ever ever happened to me before. I guess that means I'm officially a health nut. Now, gotta crack that weight problem.....
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