Back from NYC
Back from NYC....
So I spent the last week in NY. Was pretty cool - met a lot of people, I have my account assignments etc.....or so I thought:) As always things change and it's very possible that the job I'm moving to NY for will move organizations. What that means is there's a restructuring imminent and that my boss and my boss' boss would change. Not sure how I feel about that. One of the biggest things I've moved for is the environment I'm in - I love it. I'm impressed that my SVP told me about it (and that I shouldn't say anything) and she's giving me the option of whether I stay and go. We agreed as I'm in the UK for Mum's surgery next week that we can wait until after that to decide what to do. She's said that her boss and HR have agreed to find me a job that's just as prestigeous and visible if I decide to stay. My gut tells me I should stay unless I know who the new boss will and I'm familiar with how they operate.....and I always regret it when I don't follow my gut. We'll see....until the end of next week it's irrelevant anyway.
Trev flew up for the weekend and we hung out. We walked from Times Square to Central Park without even realising it. then we called a friend in Connecticut to see if they were free for dinner...and they were. so we hurtled by cab to Grand Central and caught the train. What I realised what that I really don't want a long train journey to work.... so now I have 2 things that I don't want while living in NY
1) a long train journey
2) to change trains.
Hopefully as the months go on I'll add to this list so that by the time we have to figure out what to do then we'll know where to live and what we want to do.
I'm worried about my friend Penny. She always updates her blog at least every 2 days....and it's been over a week. She's had health matey - let me know you're OK. If not, i'll have to start calling.
On the house front (remember we have our old and current houses on the market) it's looking up. In St Louis we're getting lots of people through the house and we've even had someone ask "can they be out by the end of Jan".... In Cedar Rapids there was an Open House last weekend with lots of people through - and one couple interested. Only the guy who ran the Open House (not really sure why my realtor wasn't running it ....but hey ho) didn't ask for their names or their realtor. Duh! What an idiot. I bet if it had been his commission he would have asked. Let's hope we get them sold'll make it all much easier. Also found the possibility of another rental but we'll have to investigate that further.
So...given the house news the coming weekend we've got to take stock and get 3 piles of stuff ready:
1) stuff we'll take to NY immediately
2) stuff that we have to get rid of
3) stuff to put in storage in case we don't like NY
We have soooooooooo much's going to be hard as we did it only 2 years ago. this time though it'll be things like the bikes we brought over from England that we've ridden only once. We really don't need them. Another thing that will go are the red sofas.....they were mine from the UK and I paid fortune for them in 1992..... but they're not comfy enough so I'm looking for a good home. All our wooden book cases that we have must go - they're bulky and we just won't have room. That will probably include the dining room dresser too. Oh yeah, and a recumbant exercise bike - flipping fantastic...but we won't have the room. i'm going to make an inventory list this weekend, take pictures and a) offer to kids, b) put up for sale - work and ebay, c) find great home sfor it and if that all fails (d) goodwill. To continue the list - 36 inch regular TV and associated tables, coffee table, fireplace equipment, computer desk, and all those bookcases too. And oodles and oodles of computer stuff. Oh yeah, and a PC that needs sto be rebuilt that we NEVER use. 2.0GHZ, 4 years old. pretty good nick just has a virus or something on I say - lots ot go.
Things I can't bear to part with: The 42 inch plasma TV, the couch, my brand new comfy patio set that I've only used 1 season, our king size bed, frame and chests of drawers, dining room table and lots of kitchen stuff. Oh yeah, and then tons of boxes of "stuff from years gone by. I have yet mentioned our huge wardrobe of clothes. I can't decide if I'm every gonna get into the skinny stuff again....or I'll just stay cuddly forever. Probably the latter.
Last thing about Trev - he's having a riot on his new job so that's just great. I'm not sure I like him being away all the time but we'll see - it may work out.
More as I think of it.....get ready for the inventory list!!!!!!
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