Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I wish for a vacation

So my brother is coming over in a couple of weeks - it started off with a trip to see Billy Connolly in concert. Now we also have tickets to Dirty Rotten Scoundrels and The Odd Couple. Should be a riot. We'll also get to do things that are touristy like visiting the Empire State Building, Central Park, Ground Zero, Statue of Liberty etc etc etc etc.

My brain hurts again today. At the end of the month my team seems to degenerate into kids - you'd think they'd learn month on month and change their behaviour when it comes to enter their stuff in to the system. but, oh no - it's the same. At least I bonus on it....so it affects their $$$$ every quarter. It's amazing the focus that's brought.

I'm fed up with my apartment - I don't think I've slept more than 3 hours in a go and it's wearing. Trev's sleeping even worse, and given that he's having withdrawal symptoms from St Louis, and he's traveling a lot, and he leaves/arrives back at ridiculous hours it's all taking it's toll. We're out at the end of May so it's not too bad....just feels bad when you can't sleep. The new mattress that they promised over a month ago is supposed to arrive today - that'll make a difference.

eBay has come into its own again. With Tim visiting, we needed to get an inflatable bed (as ours were packed), and in the next temporary apartment we need towels and full bedding. Now that annoys me as I have to buy a comforter, comforter cover, sheets, pillows, towels etc. I guess it's an excuse for new stuff, but I already have craploads of my own but it's in storage. thankfully I found a lot of IKEA stuff on eBay which was reasonably priced. Hopefully we'll have more guests so we get to use it. hahahahah.

OK, I've gotta go do some work......it's crazy around here:)

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