Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Flipping tourists

Ok, so I have to sound off about people. I am fed up to the hind teeth of getting in the groove of walking around New York - head down, bag at my side, music blaring in my headphones on my way to somewhere (work, home, restaurant, bar, shop...whatever).

And then you get it. Some idiot who's walking fast and then abruptly stops, right in the middle of the pathway to gaze at the skyline, take a photo, chat, light a cigarette (that one really really annoys me). Or comes out of a shop walking fast and runs into you and then looks at you like YOU did something wrong. Or there's a family, all walking in a horizontal line taking up the whole flipping path so no-one can get through. Or a family standing in a huddle in the middle of the path. Or a dude trying to sell boat rides, comedy show, bus trip - do I look like I'm on holiday? In my suit, with a briefcase do I really really look like I give a crap about it? Why don't you go and do that to someone in shorts with a camera?

It gets my goat every blinking day. So I play the music louder, get a good beat, get me walking, think happy thoughts (or more like do a mental to-do list). I'm getting great at avoiding this stuff.

Alright, alright I hear you say "you wanted to move there, get over it"....all I'm saying is that rather than getting mad about stupid dumb drivers it's now actual people.

1 comment:

Penny said...

LOL - You're already starting to sound like a New Yorker.... tee hee!