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Monday, July 17, 2006

My turn to sound off about work!

So, Penny - it was your turn last week.....this week it's mine. I feel like I'm in the middle of a5th grade playground. Grab a coffee, tea, chocolate, gin and tonic...and listen to me get this off my chest. I'm going to call them Jack and Jill. Remember, this will be an essay:)

Jack: is a senior specialist of both a product and financial market. He run classes, makes our heavy users love their products. He's originally from mainland Europe, spent a year in Canada and transferred into my team last February (before I arrived). I didn't really have that much to do with him as he was generally at clients, I received no complaints although I did find it strange he never, ever struck up a conversation with me as his manager.

Jill: is a team lead on the same account. I didn't want to promote her to that position when I interviewed her but was told that it was good for the team, the account liked her etc etc etc. As I didn't have much say in the matter she found herself in the position. While she talked occasionally, she isolated herself as she spends a lot of time on an account that is underresourced and where she's the only trainer. She chose to fill her vacancy 3 months after it occurred by waiting for an internal transferree.

So, here's the thing. Last Friday was a chance for me to go to the client and visit the site. I've spent a bit of time with both Jack and Jill, but not a huge amount. Jill always seemed to be a good trainer, but not someone who could lead a team - my gut of not promoting her has certainly held true so far. I'm at the client site, met a couple of managers who gave me some very very direct feedback about my Company and it wasn't particularly good. Most of it doesn't matter for this, but one piece does. One of the clients mentioned that Jack had not completed a task that was clearly his responsibility. I was extremely displeased and felt that I was blindsided. On the train on the way home, I emailed the account manager with a "you're losing us business" email. I then immediately forwarded to Jack and Jill indicating I wanted to talk to them about it.

1) I had a one to one with Jack tonight. he thought I was going to fire him! Oh good grief....
2) The incident I refer to is something that happened 6 weeks ago. What I didn't know was that Jack and Jill had not even spoken since then.
3) Jack thinks that he's completely in the clear, totally professional and it's all Jill's fault
4) Jill thinks she's completely in the clear, totally professional and it's all Jack's fault
5) They have both declared they refuse to work together
6) The account manager has decreed she doesn't want to lose any resource at all
7) the account manager wants to stick them in a room on Friday and hash it out
8) I don't think that's actually possible. However when I suggested getting HR in the room as a mediator jack said he'd hire a lawyer as her emails he considers slanderous.

I've spent several hours with each of them and not really sure whether there's an answer. i think Jill is getting a bummish deal (but not totally in the clear), Jack needs to lighten up and not be so serious.

In addition while talking with Jack it appears he has a big chip on the shoulder regarding his transfer from Canada didn't go quite as smoothly and he's ticked at my company for not paying for the relocation etc. He's also mad about his visa etc. as he's still paying Canadian taxes. He also wants a green card but never mentioned it me.

I suspect he's mad aththe company in general and taking it out on Jill. Jill's at fault because she's relying on email and not building relationships.

Jill has said that she's thought about quitting as that's what her husband says. She's also considering giving up her position.

Part of me wants to smack them together - they need to find a way to work together. My gut tells me this is beyond redemption. I mean seriously....

My freaking brain is fried!

BTW 0- this is the very very abbreviated version!

1 comment:

Penny said...

very childish!