Weight Loss Tracker

Saturday, July 15, 2006

My week in NYC

Get a drink....this is a long one!

We'll start after the power outage. Stayed at Heather's everything was fine and dandy. Saw my first celebrity in New York. I'm sitting at the Blue Fin restaurant having a one to one with one of my managers, and I'm looking at this guy walking by....looked very familiar. By the time he was gone i figured it out - it was Stephen King the author. That was kinda cool.

Thursday night was a leaving do where I'd planned on having a couple of G&Ts and then go home. Didn't quite work out that way. I ended up having a few, staying til past midnight. Shared a cab to Penn Station (10 blocks), had to walk a block to get to my train. So picture this - it's 90 degrees, 1am, humid, high heels, PC bag and I'm walking around 34th St and Broadway and i cannot find a single entrance to my train station that's open. After wandering around for about 10 mins getting more and more stressed (I think when you're over 30 your brain is still sensible) I find a policeman who points me to an entrance that's 2 blocks away on 32nd and 6th. Hmmmmmmmm - was relieved and angry at the same time.

That evening I found a couple of guys that I worked with in St Louis - only to find they'd moved to NYC. Was pretty cool catching up.

See here's where the problem lies - i get home at 1.30am, I have to be up at 6am to get to Stamford for a client visit. That's OK, we can survive on little sleep. So, remember back to the previous evening with the power cut and staying at Heather's? Well, all my stuff (toothbrush, makeup, hairdryer, hairbrush etc) was at work because I didn't take it with me when I went for a beer.

So, mildly hungover and very sleep deprived (to say I looked like crap doesn't come close!! The pain of being over 30 I guess!) I had to get up at 6am to get to work, to make myself really really beautiful for my client and had to be at Grand Central by 8.15am.

That said, I had a fantastic trip with my client in Stamford. Lots of issues and stupid stuff to deal with but really enjoyed doing that part of my job. It still feels kinda weird that I'm a senior person.... i guess I'll get used to it.

Meant to say - Trev's in Arizona for work until the 23rd so he's not really in the picture right now - other than a couple of phone calls a day.

Then Friday night, John N was in town so was out with him. The thing with John is that he goes out at 10pm....kills me every time! So, the plan was to go home, sleep and go out late. Never quite made it as I got back late from Stamford so decided to stay in town. Stayed at work til 9 then got a cab to Greenwich Village and went out with John. First time in my life, flagged down a cab and while some tourists thought it was theirs, I actually jumped in the cab and shut the door. I did get it first, they just didn't see me. I fit into NY pretty well, right?

Didn't get home too late though (1am). I'm supposed to be meeting him late tonight too - but not sure if we'll make that!!

Am at work now getting caught up...the plan is to get a massage, pedicure and whatever sometime in the week.

so, off to work................

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