Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, August 14, 2006

My health assessment at the gym

So, we joined the gym and tonight was my "personal profile assessment". Some good and some bad news.

Good stuff first:
- Blood pressure = normal
- Cardiovascular assessment = 99th percentile (can you believe that)...so proud of myself. Only 1% improvement here required to reach perfection!
- Flexibility = good

Bad stuff:
- I have 42% body fat....it's supposed to be 29%

My "body age" is 40...just a year over my age. I didn't think that was too bad.

So, I've enlisted a trainer. We meet Weds night for the first time. I have a feeling that my muscles are gonna hurt:)

Let's hope that we can get some weightloss going on here. Penny's got a scale going on her blog...not sure I'm that brave. Suffice to say...that if I was at her heavy weight, I'd be ecstatic!

The assessment itself was quite nervewracking...although I managed it without much effort at all. I even managed to do a minute's worth of crunches without stopping (I was wishing that i hadn't done the 300 i did yesterday, coz i did hurt a bit!). I even managed 25 press ups.

Obviously my time in St Louis wasn't to no avail and I am healthy. Good to know that. So, now I'm healthy i guess I have to do weight loss. Oh yeah!

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