Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

New apartment, condo, realtors and NO telly!

Yep, another one....this is number 3, while we wait for the condo to finish. I just have to have a rant about the stupid landlord's realtor. Talk about ridiculous. For history, we've moved into this apartment that has to be in "showing" condition 24/7. this means no dirty laundry out, dishes away, clothes hung up, bathroom stuff tidy etc etc. that would be fine...and we were doing brilliantly until the realtor has a cow, the landlord calls with ridiculous demands. Apparently we cannot leave a nice tidy laptop on the table, our soap or hand towels showing in the bathroom or anything. Talk about insanity. Who really thinks it'd make that much different. Of the women who read this...ever tried to tell a guy he can't wipe his hands on the nice white hand towel that's not ours, and to reach in side a cupboard to use our towel? Yeah.....works doesn't it? NOT! Blinking ridiculous! If it wasn't for the fact I couldn't face moving to apartment #4 I would have told her to shove her lease. So, the fact that we ordered a telly and there is no stand and I can't use the table in the apartment I guess it's going to go on the floor (as I don't NEED a new TV stand). fine by me and i've warned the landlord....but I have $5 riding that the realtor will flip her lid when she sees it. Yeah............what flipping ever!

On the up side, we've been given a sort of tentative date of Aug 21st, which would be fine except I leave for Scotland on the 25th and really would like to be here to organize everything. Control freak I know....but stuff has to go where it is meant to go rathe rthan just anywhere. I love Trev very much, but believe me if he organizes we'll end up with weird furniture everywhere. So I'm hoping to move in after i get back from the Scotland trip. We'll see. We decided to take a trip this coming weekend to check it out....that way we'll know what to plan for. Our stuff has been in storage so long I think I've forgotten what it looks like. I miss my glasses, my saucepans especially, my TV, surround sound, my bed, the list goes on. Have to say though - i clearly don't need half the stuff we put in storage!

We've been in this apt 8 days now....and for 8 straight days I've not seen a TV show. I'm getting complete withdrawal symptoms. However....I have got into Arrested Development. Not sure if you get it in the Uk, or watch it here...but it is pretty funny. We're in the middle of season 2 on DVD now. Rollon the TV - I miss CSI, Law and Order, BBC channel, Project Runway (my latest reality show).

I am updating this diary more though, so that's good!

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