Not much going on
Well, still no news on the condo - they've delayed AGAIN. Now the final inspection will be Friday or Monday....but we've heard that before. once again i'm regretting not leasing the last apartment for September...right now we're stuck in the doubletree hotel using all the airmiles we were going to use for Australia. Hey ho....I guess it's better than money. Craigslist hasn't turned up anything yet, but I'm still hopeful.
Work is still crazy. When you think you have one thing going on, something else comes along to set you off. Nice thing is that the time I had in Scotland, no one could get hold of me. Fabulous. while i did work (it was planned) it was creating high level missions and objectives, and how they will deliver on the plan. My to do list is alos complete and that really helps.
I'm also worried about Trev. There's something up - I can't place it, he says there isn't but my gut says all is not well. I'm starting to obsess over it and I know i shouldn't but I know something is up.....I'm hoping it's just the unsettled world we've been living in the past several months - however my gut says it's not. Can't place it, we've not argued or anything, and it appears normal....just again, relying on my gut. Worrying as we're about to go into debt together. Hopefully this feeling will subside....he's off again this week to Michigan, and then Florida next I'm getting used to being on my own.
The car is doing Ok and we need to get it taxed. Still on the fence about whether we should give up the Lexus and get a more "sensible" car now that we're only driving it once a week.
On the gym front, my trainer is great, although on Monday and Tuesday i could hardly walk....taken a couple of days off and will be back at class on Thursday. Feel better between that and eating much more healthy. I've given up cereal for breakfast and replaced it with fresh fruit. Lunch today was sushi (yeah!) and I had a takeout salad from mcDonalds tonight. Did have bad stuff as I have oodles of chocolate here....but hey, i good the rest of the time.
OK, off to sleep - gotta get rid of this jetlag.
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