Busy week again
It seems that I look up and it's gone from Sunday night to Saturday morning....every single week. I had a minor meltdown on Thursday....not really sure why. Just fed up with people issues at work, too many projects, messy home, not completely unpacked etc etc etc. I think what started it was on Monday night Trev saying "I think we need a cleaner...because the floor needs swiffering". I asked him if after that thought that he'd picked up the swiffer and then duly wiped the floor. yeah well - no. "I didn't have time". I think that was the start. Too much work was the end. So......I decided to take a sanity day and took yesterday off. I couldn't live with it anymore - and to be honest, I like doing it on my own. If Trev's there all he does is ask what to do or where to put things....an dit's not like i have all the answers:) Talk about feeliing more sane. I like it.
While I spent 6am-1pm finishing tidying up and cleaning, everything now has a place and with the exception of a couple of things, we're set. I feel soooooooo much better. I also got my hair cut and coloured yesterday. Went red and blond this time....although the red is pretty browny so not as bright as I'd hoped. The condition of it is great and while I'd spent time thinking about having it cut short again I really like it like this. I've got into bad habits and had my hair in pony tails every day. So on Weds I blow dried it - and everyone at work thought I'd had it done. I think I'm going to make more effort to fix my hair for work...esp as I pay a premium to get it done.
Trev's flight was late again last night so we missed our date with our neighbours. We'll reschedule for next week. Tonight we're off to my boss' for dinner. I've made jello shots (mixed fruit and orange jello, Bacardi 151, Cap'n Morgan, Creme de Cassis and Orange Liqueur...yummy) and I know that someone else is bringing wine etc. We've got a car ordered as it's out in Staten Island....sounds miles away. I think it's really only 10 miles..... should be fun.
I'm had 3 social trips out this week - admittedly one was work. Someone asked for my opinion about something. I feel if we're in a social setting it's easier to talk. Then I met Mary Ann for a drink and food, and then out with Heather on Thursday. Trev thinks I'm never home....he doesn't seem to realize that I'm home by 8 usually! Hahahaha - I accused him of the same.
I'm hoping this weekend we'll get time for us. About time. I'm so glad I got the cleaning out of the way - because now we can hang out and relax. We so need that. I'm encouraging him that we need a week away...although I'd be happy for a week at home, with no work. I have over 2 weeks vacation to take so gotta get it arranged. I think the hardest thing for us to do is find some blinds for the bedrooms and living room. For the bedrooms, the blinds will be drawn most of the time so I'm OK with blinds...in the living room we're overlooked (kinda), so I think I'm going for sheer curtains and then some kind of drape. Not sure yet though. Luckily I live 15 mins from IKEA.
The person who's driving me nuts at work is still driving me nuts. `Trying to get her to understand she's now a manager and has to think for herself seems alien to her. Whenever she owns a project there's always the "it's not possible, what do I have to do". I feel like she doesn't even try to figure out the steps. At least on the phone yesterday I gave her (again) my wisdom of about how you look at it. Not "we can't do it because of x, y or z", rather "we can do it, but we need a, b or c". Maybe I'm unique, but I don't think so.... I met with my first boss in this company this week and asked his advice as he had to train people into being project managers without being on site with them. Hopefully I'll figure this out - or she'l lbe getting a new job. I put her in my ONLY manager headcount.....and she's not managing. It's not often I'm at a loss.... but I'm at a loss. Penny, want a job?
Random thoughts:
- my trains run every 6 minutes. Why are there people who run for them?
- I'm in need of an ipod and I haven't got around to buying one yet. Not sure what's stopping me
- Why can't I get the enthusiasm to work out on my own. Why do I need a trainer? I'm Ok going to the pilates and yoga classes but if I don't have something organized, I can always find loads of things to do.
- Why is it so difficult to get cable/internet into the building. It's been 2.5 weeks. I'm fed up I can't keep up wiht Project Runway:)
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