Weight Loss Tracker

Thursday, November 16, 2006

How embarrassing...

Tonight, for the first time I rushed onto the train (it was departing just as i got there and I saw a seat - the ONLY ONLY reason I would ever run - and it was 10 paces!) took off my backpack as I sat down......

.... and all my stuff went over the floor of the train. Can you believe that?

Luckily I had my blackberry, my makeup bag, sweater and a hairbrush...that was all. Even so, I felt like a complete idiot.

This week has been a complete blur - I'm helping out at one of my clients because between the client, my team and the account team they couldn't organize a p*** up in a brewery. Luckily I'm a project manager at heart....so have them all organized already. All I'm doing now is making sure that my team lead follows through. Hopefully my magic will work!

Trev's been away most of this week again, although he's home tonight which is nice. Not sure what we have planned this weekend, but we've decided we have to "do something" every weekend. We're spending way too much time at home doing nothing and quite frankly i feel like i'm 90.

We have tickets booked to a show, so we'll see how it goes.

The gym is driving me nuts. While I saw my trainer again, all the coaches and stuff are starting to quit - they're not getting paid regularly which sucks. My pilates teacher who i love is leaving in 2 weeks, and that's terrible. I'm so upset as I really like that class. Hopefully i'll find out where else she's teaching and i'll go there instead. For Billy (my trainer), I'm hoping he'll hang around. Mind you, I've been swearing about him as my thighs are hurting like crap right now.

Ok, more later

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