Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I can always take compliments:)

Things always come in threes...right? I've had 3 days compliments in the last 3 days.

1) My eye makeup
2) I look thinner.....(I ALWAYS love this one)
3) My eye makeup

On #1 and #3 Caroline and I (when she was visiting) spent a couple of hours at the Clarins counter at Macy's while her friends were shopping and got made-up. I liked it so much I bought the eye shadow. I guess it works. Who knew?

Now, I know that #1 and #3 are technically the same.....but c'mon - it was from 2 different people on 2 different days.

On #2 - I guess paying for a trainer is helping. I'm not losing weight, but my shape is definitely changing. I guess all that working out, yoga and pilates is paying off. I now easily can do 3 lots of 50 crunches.....who'd have thought?


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