We had a fantastic weekend in Iowa. It's been almost a year since we visited and we packed a lot in. The pics are 1) The APAC crew (Darren, Betty, Matt, Jackie, Kathleen), 2) Friends and family (BJ, Paul, Penny, Carrieanne, Rachel). The final pic is the family pic - turned out pretty alright (thanks Penny!!).
We drove up from Chicago on Friday night and went straight out for dinner at the Chop House with the APAC crew. Had a great time - good restaurant, good company. We got to meet Matt and Jackie's dogs Jabba and Chewy...so, so cute.
Saturday Carrieanne, Rachel and I went to Williamsburg to shop (big outlet mall) and met Penny there. We had a great time...and we all spent ooodles of cash. We all went back to Cedar Rapids and went out to dinner at Biaggi's.
Sunday, we had a little blip when Penny got very very sick....so sick we spent a lot of the day in the emergency room. We thought it was food poisoning, turned out it was a stomach flu. Luckily John (Alex's Dad) kept Alex an extra day, Penny slept it off at Paul and BJ's and all is well. Was a scare though. thank goodness that airmiles allowed me to stay behind an extra evening.
My trip back on monday morning was awful. Got delayed in Cedar Rapids, lost my connection in Chicago but did get home eventually. Thank goodness for PSPs and burnt movies. Love it.
OK, off to bed as have early appointment with the trainer. After a week of doing nothing, he will kick my ass!