Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Another new discovery

Skype. All I can say is - brilliant!

It started when Trev's cellphone bill came in from when I was in England and it was over $200. Ouch! Now, given he's off to Holland, Germany and England we didn't want a repeat performance.

So.... I looked online and had heard about Skype. It's an internet based telephone service. If you call another Skype customer it costs zero. Did you hear that? Zero. Nada. Nothing.

What i also found out is that you can use Skype and call actual phones and cellphones. So, I tried it with Mum and Dad in Turkey. While not a perfect line....I still got to talk to them for 0.17 Euros a minute. I sent Trev off to Europe with my USB headset - and now I find out you can buy actual phones from Amazon to plug into your PC, so you don't have to use a headset. I think that's terrific!

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