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Friday, April 27, 2007

The Felixstowe of America

Oh my, I found Felixstowe over here. Quite funny actually.

Jenny and Frankie from England are visiting. They flew into Atlantic City last weekend, Trev and I drove down on Tuesday night and then Wednesday we drove back home. They're now in NYC until Monday when they drive up to Cape Cod.

Anyway, back to Atlantic City. I'd been told it was the Las Vegas of the east coast. So so NOT! It really is a beaten up old seaside town. Sad really. Can't say I'd go back. I know that some of you won't even know where Felixstowe is, but it's a seaside town 10 miles from where my family lives. While it's OK, it's rundown, had little investment and has potential.

So, Jenny and Frankie have been going around Manhattan, enjoying it all. They're off to a baseball game tonight, while Trev and I will probably either find a bar and wait for them or go home and sleep (didnt' get a lot of sleep last night). We've found some nice restaurants since they've been here, all in Hoboken so far. I think weekend we're going to go off and try for something inthe city. should be fun.

The nice weather went away, and it's chucking down rain again. Hopefully it'll be nice for the weekend.

I get my hair done tomorrow - I think I'm going to go red again....I'm fed up with all the blond stuff. We'll see. Watch for a photo next week!

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