Spring is FINALLY here...
It's beautiful. There's the start of blossom on the trees, the temperature was around 60F yesterday and is planned to get over 70 this weekend. How fabulous. it means I get to wear my red spring coat all the more:)
Most important thing we're doing today - our medicals for our green card. Can you believe that after all this time we're finally at the point of getting to the end. I'm quite excited. I'm not sure Trev thinks I am - he keeps saying I don't really want a green card, I'm not interested, I don't support him etc etc...but that's just not true. There are just some things I can't work on - however last night there was a bit of a furore when I couldn't find my passport, which we also need a copy of. It wasn't in the one of two places I thought it was....luckily I had the time to sit and think and realized it had probably fallen down the back of the filing cabinet. Phew! That's exactly where it was. Panic over.
The plumber is coming today to fix the spare shower so that Jenny and Frankie (who visit next week) can have a hot shower. Oh yeah for builders!
I'm off with Melissa to see Legally Blonde the musical tonight. Trev's coming into town and we'll have dinner, but then us girls will go off to the theatre. I just love living here. What fun is that!
This week I managed to refinish all the floors in the kitchen, living room and hall - they look amazing. That means that this weekend's job is to do the same in the bedrooms. Ready for Jenny and Frankie we have to tidy the crap up in the spare room. In doing our taxes last weekend we ended up filing every little piece of paper all over the bed. Oh what joy.
My ass was kicked in the gym again last night - I always amaze myself that I can do a full-on hour of weight training. Billy pushes me to the edge...and while I do a lot of complaining I always feel fabulous when I'm done. That's why I'm back tomorrow for more of the same I guess.
Our weekend is
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