Braindump and catchup
Ok, I've been meaning to post for a week because so many things I've done and wanted to update everyone. Here it is, July 3rd, I'm off to Jamaica tomorrow and I've not caught up. So grab a drink, sit down and read away....this will be a long one!
Visitors. Mum and Dad arrived last Tuesday and have been shopping, out and about in Manhattan etc. We went to a show last weekend to see Angela Lansbury (aka Jessica Fletcher) in Deuce. It was OK. Quite disappointing really, although she did alright. They've been on a boat trip, a walk around Times Square and have lots of other things planned so they're having a great time.
We're all looking forward to Jamaica. Trev and I leave tomorrow morning with everyone else arriving on Sunday and we'll have a blast. I'm so sad that Carrieanne's not going to make it - she has to have knee surgery at the end of July and will be off work for 4 weeks - ouch! Not something that is going to be fun, but hopefully in the long term it'll be great.
An achievement at the gym. So, as you know I'm quite fit these days (if not thin) and have quite a lot of energy etc. Last Saturday, my usual pilates class was canceled. For a moment I considered going home.....until Billy challenged me to do an hour on the stairmaster. Yes - an hour. You have to understand, I probably do 20 mins usually at a time....then soemthing else. An hour is a huge undertaking. I think I was intimidated by this - Billy's good at getting me to realize I can do more than I think and this was no exception. I negotiated and he deducted the 15 mins I'd already done before our work out so I had to do 45 mins. And you know what? I did it! On level 4, not my usual level 8 but even so - pretty proud of that. Cool eh? have to say my toes went numb and I got bored witless.....but I still did it. Makes it all worthwhile. Let's face it - what would I have been doing otherwise - working, watching tv or eating.
Work. I don't even know where to start. I feel like I have a bunch of babies working for me. Some days it's good, other days I just want to punch lights out. I really don't understand why they can't follow instruction or be self sufficient in their own careers. I can honestly say that I wasn't this needy - I never have been. Phew! I keep thinking of Jamaica.
I have a new Blackberry - again. This time it's w/Verizon but it's a world edition. Means I should be able to be reached internationally by phone and email etc. I'll be testing tomorrow. can't wait.
Our building. the bill is up to $500k. We're having to pay money to cover bills - I just hope we can successfully sue the builders. I think we will, it will just take time.
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