Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Carrieanne had surgery last week on her knee - on my birthday of all days. While we couldn't be there I'm glad she has a blog, can take pictures and of course call us. It appears that her knee was a bit screwed up but now it's all cleaned up and lovely.

She has to rest for 10 days and her fiance has to look after her. Sounds like he's doing an OK job - but I'm glad her friends are dropping in. I feel awful I can't go and visit so easily but just having had a holiday, and with a trip to the UK in September it's not easy to arrange. We're hoping that after the next 2 weeks that she'll be able to come and visit in NYC for a couple of weeks - we can wait on her hand and foot.

We missed her on vacation so this will be a nice way to see her. Let's hope the doc gives her the all clear.

Anyway - get well soon....

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