Great weekend
We have had an awesome weekend.
Friday we went out with my friend Mary Ann - was at our favourite bar near work. Bar 41. It's on 41st St and 7th Avenue. We had a great time, it's so nice to have a place where you can unwind.
Saturday after the gym we shopped for stuff we can't get on and then went and saw the Bourne Ultimatum. I have to tel you - if you're going to see a movie, see that one. It's FANTASTIC. the whole theater was "into it" - cheering and we all burst into applause at the end. Brilliant. The quickest two hours ever. Afterwards we ordered a brilliant curry from karma Kafe in Hoboken. We hadn't tried it before, and I have to say that was awesome also. Later, we watched the movie Crank, again, brilliant.
Today's plan is to head to yoga, I've cooked leek and potato soup and we're having a full roast chicken dinner tonight. We haven't had one for ages, and I think we're in need of it. That's my job later.
Skype is brilliant too - a very cheap way to make calls. I even found out this weekend that any freephone number is free via Skype. I just got a new phone that allows us to let people in via security AND make skype calls. Only downside is when using Skype your laptop has to be connected to the phone. Most inconvenient. However, most of the time it's fine. Love it.
Peter's coming into town next week and we're hoping Carrieanne will come for some rehabilitation at somepoint. We also have friends in from San Francisco so we're very very busy again.
I have just loved this weekend....
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