A look back at 2007
Another year is over. Here's a list of achievements, what I learnt, what i screwed up, what I didn't do etc etc etc
- I looked back over my blog for the past year and I had 2 resolutions. 1 was to start up my MBA again, and the other was to "get a body I'm proud of". Well I have one thing to say - hahahahahahahahahahahhaahahah!
- On the MBA, didn't do a stitch. Should really contact the school and grovel my ass off again. Hopefully with my new job I'll be able to concentrate on it this year.
- On the body...yeah well. On the plus side I'm fitter than I was, and I concentrate on fitness rather than the physical side. That said, I'm disappointed I'm not further along on this. Things are progressing and hopefully this time next year it'll be a better story.
- I took up spinning. Something I thought was always reserved for the weirdass megafit peeps - I keep up with the best of them. I've also signed up for my first sporting charity event in a few weeks - spinning in Grand Central Station. Wish me luck.
- I was promoted at work and got 2 payrises this year.
- While we're finding it difficult with Trev traveling so much we're surviving just fine.
- Now we're in NY we get lots more visitors....that's really cool.
- I turned 40. Ouch. Luckily i still feel 20 so that's good
- I made more friends - and not from work. I actively tried different things - and now have people to hang out with
- I like being in NY as I get to visit England more often. A record 4 visits in 2007 - that's the most since 1997. I like that - I get to see Mum, Dad, Tim and loads of friends, not to mention eat really bad English food that I can't get at home. It's been nice dropping in more often.
I miss my friends in other cities....Penny - luckily we IM and exchange blogs but I miss hanging out. I'm going to get my ass to Iowa just so we can spend time together (you're not allowed to be sick this time though....only joking!!)
My 2008 resolutions
- Keep up with getting fit...I like hanging out with a trainer and going to classes
- MBA - enough said
- Lose weight - I'm doing OK, have found a diet that's working and combined with exercise will be successful
- Spend more quality time with Trev....goes without saying I know
- Keep up the number of visits to England
- Go visit my friends in other cities
Let's see how I do:) Happy New Year to you all!