Off to England....
I'm off tonight, Trev leaves on Saturday. It's funny how we both end up with a business trip on EXACTLY the same week. Mine's been planned for months, Trev was asked to go a week or so back. So, we're meeting up in London on Sunday evening for dinner then he's off to wherever (I think Amsterdam, but not sure) and I'm staying put until Friday. On Friday I'm heading back home and spend time with the fam. I'm glad I'm leaving tonight, it means I arrive tomorrow (flipping jetlag is crap!) and then have most of the weekend with the fam too. Because I'm only there a couple of days I've not contacted everyone....I just won't have the time. Mum's having surgery the second weekend I'm there so will definitely not have time. I'm so happy I was back two months ago as that leaves me free of guilt. Hopefully with this new job I'll have more opportunity to travel which will be very cool.
I'm still mad about the credit card, as they've now taken the account off line and i can't see what we owe, when it should be paid or anything. Very very annoying. Good job we have other cards as a back up. I do like the fraud protection though - as soon as we started using the other card (which we'd not used in a year or more) i got a phone call asking me if it was legit. That was cool.
I never got to lose the 20lb before I went to England, but I am at 16.2lb - that's not bad, right? I'm just hoping that I can keep that off...and if I lose, then even more brilliant. I've set a pact with a colleague that we're going to exercise each morning for at least 20 minutes - we'll see how that goes. Hopefully we're not out too late the previous nights so we'll actually be able to achieve this. Hope so. I will certainly exercise on the Sunday evening when I arrive - as there'll be no excuses.
It's funny, I never thought I'd ever say this, but I miss that feeling of elation after a workout class - it always feels good when you're at the end. can't say I'm too happy in the "during" phase...but it's all for a good cause. I have great blood pressure, my back and shoulders don't hurt any more, low cholesterol so it's worthwhile. I just wish, and I really mean this, that I could motivate myself without the need to organize around classes. Why can't I use an ellyptical machine and bust my own ass and break a sweat....I've tried, really I have, and I just can't. It's boring - even with the built in TV or my ipod.
That reminds me....must charge up my ipods before I leave.
Now.....have to write my shopping list for the supermarket in England:)
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