Fitness assessment
Now we're living on our own again it's time for an assessment. Q1 has been a bit stagnant on the dieting front, especially with our neighbours living with us. Not that they were a problem, but we definitely did eat out way more than I would if I was on my own. I've decided to go back to doing what I did when I first kicked off this drive - start blogging exactly what I'm eating/doing. When it comes to chocolate, the more of the stuff I eat, the more I want. It's cold turkey time....and that's hard especially as we bought 2 boxes of Cadbury's creme eggs from Sams Club at the weekend (and they're not the boxes of 4....they're the boxes of 36!). Anyhow, I'm going to give up chocolate during the week and allow myself to eat at weekends. You'll be hearing here just how well that's going. Hopefully with sugar free jello at home in large supply we should be good to go.
So, I worked out twice with Mitch this weekend. He's my new trainer. I'm still so mad at Billy for leaving like he did...but I have to get over it. I'm trying to look on the positive and have spent all weekend trying not to compare them - but ya know, that's really hard. Billy and I got on soooo well - and Mitch is just so different. The jury is out on whether this is a long term relationship. I thought I'd write the positives and negatives down to see if I can organize my thoughts. So, here goes...
- He's into fitness
- He always checks to make sure I'm doing the exercises correctly
- Like his personality even though he's quiet
- He doesn't mind me whining/complaining/cursing when I get tired
- After Friday's session the backs of my thighs were very sore indicating a good workout
- Not sure he works out all the muscle groups each time
- He's not working me as hard, it's so much like a cardio workout like it used to be
- He's not always available when I want him to be
- He's not Billy (I guess that translates to he's not familiar)
So, I think that on the whole we're doing OK - I decided to give him another 3 sessions to see if we can work on what I want out of it. Hopefully that'll sort it out, if not I'll be on the hunt for someone else. I wish I could just run away from the gym and tell them to stuff it, but I don't earn a million $$ a year and just can't turn down the fact that I have 30 sessions to go.
Yesterday was my first day of the start of the new regime (yeah yeah, again I hear you say). I came up with a great way to track progress. Record what I eat that's normal/healthy but then record the # of calories burnt in the gym (using my watch) less the number of calories consumed in a bad way. Cool eh? So here goes...
- 2 eggs (one regular, one white), cheese, side of bacon
- salad, no meat
- granola bar
- bowl of soup, salad and a few Mini Cheddars, Activia yogurt, sugar free jello
Gym: 2 x SPIN class, calories burnt - 1300
Bad things: zero
Balance: 1300 calories
Let's see how we go:) I did really well yesterday - let's see if i can keep it up. I am planning a Bodypump class (that's strength training/weight lifting) plus another SPIN class. The only thing that would change that is that my right hip is giving me a problem. I thought I'd bruised it and that I'd knocked into something, but couldn't remember what. Well, the bruise has gone down and it still hurts. Oh well, we'll see how it goes.
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