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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Green card woes

Oh my.... it had to happen, it was just a matter of waiting. The bomb dropped yesterday. It sucks ass. Our green card application was denied. Yes, denied. So before everyone panics and thinks we're moving we're not....Flipping Americans....can't they organize anything?

Remember back in October when I said that we were notified that the Immigration Dept wanted more info? And remember I said that we never got notified, and remember we contacted Immigration to say this, twice. Well, apparently they found our case and promptly denied the application.

Now, the lawyer believes it's because they never received the information they asked for....and all we need to do is wait until we receive details about the "why" surrounding the denied notice, we can then send the info they want and hey presto, all will be well.

Those of you who know my husband will know he doesn't take bad news well...and this was no exception.

We're waiting with baited breath. Will keep everyone posted.....but please don't hold your breath - the way it's been going it'll take blinking months and months, if not years to have a resolution.

As an aside, check out this blog...I find it super funny when I check in on the odd occasion. Any of you who have or have had preschoolers you'll love this particular post http://supamb.com/supafine/2008/03/03/never-take-your-babies-to-the-mall/

1 comment:

Penny said...

Oh, what a bummer! I'm so sorry!