Monday already
Man, the weekend went by fast. While I did spend some time relaxing, I feel like I did lots of stuff too.
First things first, 1 managed 2 days in a row to get a lie in. One thing that's annoyed me for the longest time is that I'm awake by 7am, and usually up and doing chores by 8am. I hate that. I always wanted to have a lay in until noon,.....but my body wouldn't allow it. For whatever reason this weekend I managed it. Saturday we got up at around 11am, and then Sunday was about 10am. Not bad for people who are usually early birds.
Now, that may have something to do with the fact that we had an impromptu party on Friday at our neighbours place. We grilled out, drank wine, checked out their new patio furniture and generally hung out. Oh yeah, and the weather was gorgeous all weekend so that made for lots of socializing.
Friday night I also worked out with my 3rd trainer. Her name is Debbie. She's better than Mitch, but still not the same as Billy. I didn't hurt particularly, but at least I felt like I was working out. I also managed a spin class on Saturday. I bailed Sunday and decided to rest, but tonight I'll do spin plus a strength training class so that's pretty good. My right thigh is still bugging me - so I had a massage at the weekend to see if that would fix the nagging problem. the only time it hurts is when I"m doing a lunge with my leg at the's right at the top of the thigh, but below the hip bone. My gut tells me it's muscular, but if it doesn't sort itself out soon I'm going to have to go to the doc to make sure it's not serious.
On other health issues, I still have weird rashes all over me....and again if that doesn't go by Friday it'll be back to the doctor to see if they can figure out what it is. My cough is also still here and not going anywhere. while it's a tad irritating to me - it's way more irritating to my colleagues who seem to think I have the black plague every time I cough:) If I eat hard candy or chew gum it's not so bad....but my jaw gets tired periodically.
My diet is crap. I think I'm going to have to start blogging everything I eat - while it's boring for the readers, it seems to keep my sorry ass in check - and I'd really like to lose another 10-20lb before summer....and time is running out. I read an article at the weekend that said people who work out a lot (ie, me!) tend to compensate and eat too much. I think I'm definitely guilty of that - while I eat well during the day and am careful - when I get home from the gym I'm usually ravenous and while I start off and prepare a healthy meal I usually find that doesn't work - and then I blow it all and eat crap. I have to get out of that habit. So my work day will consist of an omelette for breakfast (one regular egg plus one egg white, cheese, bacon), salad for lunch with meat, and then a granola bar at about 4.30pm. Then I'll have a smoothie before the gym, and a protein type meal afterwards. Let's hope that works...
On the furniture front, we put together our first cabinet yesterday. It looks great and I'm really pleased with it. is awesome and my new favourite website. We were going to wait to put it all together until after the decorating etc, but realized if it's damaged that it would be a problem returning the stuff - especially as the painting won't be finished until the end of May ish.
In other news, I sold the Grand Prix. An end of an era. I love that car - it's fast, cute, drives fantastic and has a heated drivers seat. It's staying within the family - Carrieanne is now the proud owner. she's taken great care of it over the past couple of years, so it's great she wants it. She's so excited to have a great car...and we're excited she's happy.
Saturday we went out to a Sushi restaurant at the other end of our town. We walked out with our neighbours - it's about a mile. I think we decided while the food was good, the service was terrible, atmosphere average and the drinks OK. It certainly wasn't worth the hike of 14 blocks....we could have got the same, if not better, experience more closer to home. Luckily where we live a taxi is a flat $5 so getting home was a breeze.
OK, back to work.....
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