Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sense of taste

So, when does it return? I'm getting mightly fed up of not being able to taste food. I know I was ill, but I've finished the antibiotics, I'm back in the gym regularly and to everyone on the outside it looks like I'm fine and dandy. I'm sitting here this morning drinking my first cup of tea and I still can't taste it. Definitely weird. I can taste stuff on my lips, but not a thing in my mouth. Doesn't stop me eating bad things though:)

We are now finally in the state at home where this is no chocolate. This can only be good. While we do have a few cookies and such I really never think about eating those unless it's a Saturday morning - don't ask me why, I don't know...I just don't. So, we're back to eating sugar free jello if I want a sweet fix.

Man, I wish my sense of taste would return. I wonder how long I should wait before I ask a doctor....?

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