Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Well again

Man, that flu kicked my ass. I can't believe it took nearly a whole week before I felt normal. I can't believe it's Sunday night again already. I broke down on Thursday and went to the doctor who gave me antibiotics, cough medicine and cream for my eyes. Outside of the high temperature, the crappy eyes were awful. At least all the drugs have made that better - it's not perfect, but it's better. I feel like I aged 20 years. I'm hoping most of the lines will disappear....I guess if they don't I'll be stuck with it.

From an eating perspective I've eaten way less than normal...and it's showing on the scales. Hopefully during the week the smaller stomach will mean we'll see inches lost. For the gym, I went to spin last Thursday, but I went easy on myself. I did the same Saturday. I met Mitch today - and I did OK. So, I'm back to normal.

I'm still not brilliantly OK with Mitch. He's OK...but he's no Billy. Talking of Billy, I found him a new job:) It's funny how life throws you these things. There's a new building that's opened right opposite the gym, and there's a gym there. I happen to be friends with a lady who works in real estate and knew that that building was looking for a trainer for their gym. The plus side is that it looks like I'll be able to train with Billy there. I really hope so - I do miss him.

On the ailments front I've got a sore back and a sore right hip/top of thigh. I think I'm going to get a massage to see if I can fix it - otherwise it'll be a trip to the doctor. I think I'm starting to get worried as it's not getting better. We'll see...

OK, well I'm off to watch the final of Bret Michel's Rock of Love....complete and utter crap reality TV. But it's great.

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