Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, May 12, 2008

Feeling like a basket case...

Oh my....so I went to the doc. I went for 2 things - first my cough which is persisting and then to get my ankle checked out. Here's what I left with:

For my cough - apparently I have something wrong and my doc can't fix it so I have to go see someone else.
- appointment to get a chest xray (Tues)
- appointment with an allergist (Thurs)
- 2 prescriptions; 1 pills and 1 inhaler

For my ankle - he said that he can tell if it's just a bruise or something more serious. Suffice to say I hit the ceiling with a loud "aaaaggghhhhh". I've also been told not to work out - ha!
- appointment with a podiatrist (Thurs)

So, we'll see how we go.

I feel like I turned 40 and now have oodles of things wrong with me. I hope it sorts itself out.

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