Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Phew! 2

I forgot something in yesterday's chapter and verse:

8) Allergies. I have a cough, I've always had it for about 10 weeks a year. Doctor's have looked and tested and have found nothing wrong. Now, this Allergist believes that I'm violently allergic to dust mites. We've nuked the bed and it's now lovely microfiber encasings for the box spring, mattress, duvet and pillows (to the tune of nearly $600 I might add - ouch!). Last week if you remember i had 2 creams for the rashes, an inhaler and then 2 pills (one of the pills left me soooo tired). I felt like a walking pharmacy. Anyway, when I saw him on Friday we talked for a while - first, he started talking to me about allergy injections to try and fix it. I'd heard of them but knew nothing so I asked the question - did you know that you have injections weekly for 7 months and then have to go on maintenance mode for ever? For a cough that lasts a few weeks a year? Seemed a bit overkill to me - so I told him that. Then, he said to scrap all the other meds I was on and to take a nasal spray. At least it's only 1 thing. I'm to call him Tuesday to tell him if it's working or not. All I know is the damn thing tastes like wet grass - and that's not nice at all. Oh well, about a month from now the cough will disappear anyway:)

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