Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ankle and other stories

So, it's been 5 days since I've not had the bootie, and I've been in sneakers. While it aches quite a lot I don't have much of a limp any more - yippee! I think....it's getting better! Get the flags out, let's have a par-teh:) I'm really really hoping that it will continue to get better. If the aching would go away I'd be in heaven.

My only bad thing is that I'm wearing sneakers around at work - never before have I felt that I need to stick a post-it note on my toes with a "doctor's orders" sign. I keep getting those eye rolling looks of disgust, but feel very silly saying "the doctor told me to do this". I will probably give in and go get proper lace up shoes - I know, I'll look like Mary Poppins, but hey you gotta do what ya gotta do.

I'm also excited - for the first time in 10 days I dared get on the scales....and I'm below where I was when i went to England. Not at my lowest this year by 2lb, but still - I lost it! Anyway, more of that on the other blog.

Oh yeah, and we love our green sofa so much we bought another one to go with it. It'll look better than those leather chairs. They are soooo bedroom chairs. It's not the nicest sofa to look at in the pictures....but trust me when I say this - from a sitting down and relaxing perspective it's freaking awesome. So excited about that.

Talking of sofas, remember last week when I told you that Trev spilt a hot chocolate all over the sofa? Well, we tried cleaning it, that didn't work - so we took the cushions (and my down throw) over to our fabulous cleaner across the street. I'm not saying it was a cheap trip, but they got the pillows clean - they look great. It took them 4 days, but it's all good. Now, had Trev told me that the down throw alone was going to cost $80 I would have tossed it - esp as I think I only paid a max of about $20 for it. Oh well....not much i can do now.

On the ebay/craigslist project i've been pretty successful. I sold the last cream chair and ottoman at the weekend, have sold a number of printer cartridges, cables, picture frames etc so very happy. Still have a lot to go, but our usual plan is to either give it away or toss it. Here's the total money made so far:

$375 Sofa
$125 Chair & Ottoman
$125 Chair & Ottoman
$325 Washer & Dryer
$150 2 IKEA Red Chairs
$30 Printer cartridges
$15 IKEA frames
$10 Cable
$15 Cable

Total: $1170. Not bad eh?

I still have the fridge to go as a big ticket item, then I've lots of other smaller stuff that's either on ebay or craigslist (or both).

Last thing - the rhubarb. Leaps and bounds. We water it every night - we now have 6 new stalks. Yippee!

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