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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A new indulgence

I promise that I will post a birthday entry - I'm struggling with editing the pictures. Dory suggested using Adobe Photoshop Elements - so, I have my trial downloaded and last night was trying to fix red eye. It did an auto-red eye thing - the only problem is that for poor Trev he's got one fixed red eye....and one not. I've looked on help and it seems really clear on how to fix that - but can I find it on that applicable? Can I crap.... so, Dory if you read this can you pop me an emaiil and tell me how dumb i'm being and how to fix it...? Thanks!

Back to my new indulgence. We had a flashy pilates studio round the corner from us - and I had to admit while it looked lovely it was always empty. Last week I noticed it changed to Chi First - it's a Chinese massage parlour. They have another shop the other end of town and every time I've gone past on the bus I'd always wanted to try it. I didn't really need much of an excuse - I hurt my back last week and it's driving me crazy. I have gone through loads of Icy Hot patches and while they're good while they're on, they have fixed anything. I'm walking around like a little old lady - and to top it off my face allergy came back, so I look like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle again. How crap is that? One of the coolest things about this place is that it's $60 for an hour's massage. Not sure what it's like for you but that is really really really cheap - and i couldn't resist. Last night I went round, got an appointment - and oh my! All I can say is that I'll be a regular - Lisa the therapist was awesome. I did get a bit scared when she jumped on the table and stood on my lower back (you know...the bit that hurts) - but I do think I feel better. I can certainly move better - although still quite sore. I'm going to go and stretch at the gym tonight and see if that helps. i know I just don't want to fly to England with a bad back - if that doesn't work then it'll be a chiropractor next.

On a totally different topic, we broke down and bought the second sofa (can't remember if I said that) - so hopefully it'll be here in a few weeks. We just decided that no-one ever wants to sit on the leather chairs so it's really not fair. I think it'll look nice.

Our place is in a mess right now - we're having new tiles laid in the master bathroom as the others were so, so horrible. I can't believe our toilet is on the balcony....but I guess that's better than anywhere else:) They did a lot yesterday - they're part way complete. Hopefully by tomorrow it'll all be done!

Went and saw the Batman movie. I thought it was pretty good, although long. Certainly better than Hancock!

Rachel now has a confirmed date for her wedding - Saturday November 14th 2009....so let the planning begin!

OK, back to work...think that's it for now. I promise I'll post a pic or 2 from the weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll try to find a pic without red eye so I can fix it for you and take screenshots while I'm at it.

Or send me the one you're having a problem with and I can use that.

I would also recommend a book to help you get started in Photoshop Elements. Like the latest Photoshop Elements for Dummies (God, I love that concept!) or a Visual Quick Start for Photoshop Elements. Either will show you some really cool things you can do that you may not have found on your own.