Busy week
Friday again, and I keep thinking about all the things I wanted to post about. Here's a brain dump.
- Brown water. It got fixed. It affected a few towns. I only went one day without a shower, then we realized our neighbours have a filter on their water tank. I know I posted the water company said it was ok to drink but I have to tell you it was nasty to look at. Weird, that had never happened to me before. I am more aware of what you shouldn't take for granted - and have a far greater appreciation for what it must have been like for you guys back in Iowa during the floods and losing water for days.
- Fitness. I decided that clearly I'm still eating too much as I'm not losing any pounds at all. You'd think with all the exercise I did i could, but obviously not. My thyroid was tested in the summer so I'm just guessing that I have bad genes and slow metabolism. I have worked my bootie this week, and have taken an additional 3 classes this week. I was rewarded with a whole 0.6lb off the weight. Woop di do. This is driving me nuts. My friend Sharon suggested I meet with a nutritionist to see if I'm screwing myself over with what I eat. I can honestly say I've so limited the treats I eat, I'm assuming it's down to the sheer volume of food I eat. Is it really that bad to eat 5 pieces of fruit a day and a turkey/cheese omelet? Who knows. We'll see. As an aside I did a Columbian Salsa dance class last night. That wasn't really a work out (ie I didn't really break a sweat) but it was pretty funny - they feed you a couple of shots of rum to loosen up. One things for sure - I have two left feet and I'm crap. Still....I think I got it. I just can't wiggle my arse like you're supposed to:) We'll see...I may try again just for the social bit....
- Ankle. Saw the lawyer on Monday so we'll wait and see. It's been hurting like crazy this week, but a lot of that is probably due to the additional exercise classes. Today I'm actually off to China Town to see a Chinese Doctor - it's $20 so what do I have to lose? I've heard great things so we'll see. I'm going with my friend Sharon from the gym - she's driving because I refuse to drive in Manhattan (it's nuts) and we're going early so we can have Dim Sum for lunch. Yummo.
- Work. My boss has been driving me nuts lately. It's not her fault particularly, there's just so much to do and not enough time. I've also been training the lady who works for me (note: it's my boss' best friend's sister....the great thing is she's fantastic) and that means that production of stuff takes longer. She picks things up quickly which is great and after 6 weeks she's at the point where I think she's going to be a real asset. My boss has asked me to put a job description together with a possible view to hiring her full time come January. I'm excited about that for sure! There just seems to be more to do than there is time for. While I'm quite rigid about the hours I work
- Refridgerator. Well...the guy came last week and I was quite hopeful, but it's not working again. My ice bucket is one big ice cube. Joy for us. They've now been 10 times - I think it's time for a new one. I'm fed up of "trying" something and not actually just replacing the unit. They have already offered me an additional 6 months on the warranty - that tells you something, doesn't it.
- Apartment. It's been Ok for a while...but my lovely vanity I bought on ebay the tap (faucet) has stopped working. I've had to brush my teeth in the bath all week. Oh joyfulness...I guess I'm calling Jose this weekend.
Ok I'm off to have my arse whooped by Billy....gives me the approval to go and eat Dim Sum.
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