Why is it that things that piss you off always happen on the same day. Here goes on my rant:
1) Trev is traveling on business somewhere for 3 straight weeks. This week he's in California Sat-Thurs (note the Sat.....not a Mon), next week he's somewhere else Mon-Tues then the following week he's in Florida somewhere Weds-Thurs. Usually I don't mind but this week we had friends in from the UK and on the 3rd trip Tim's in town. For such a significant pay cut that he took he better not be traveling every flipping week. he assures me this is a blip and (i quote) "I won't travel for the rest of the year".
2) A guy called Christian calls up on my cell phone just now asking for Trev. I say he's not available and can I take a message. He says in an aloof voice "do you have a pen?", I say "yes I do" and he proceeds to give me a phone number and told me he was from our bank. I then ask him if there's anything I can help with as I'm Trev's wife. Apparently he wants to discuss why we have so much money in our savings account and perhaps there are other things we can do. What pisses me off here is a) his voice got all nice once he realized I was a wife not a secretary (grrrrrr) 2) he called my cellphone and asked for my husband....note I happen to be the primary account holder and the one who works right next to the branch this Christian dude works in.....but apparently in the 21st century only the men can make the decisions. OMG - that totally pissed me off. In fact, I'm still so mad i'm hitting the keys so hard I think they're going to ping off. I'm also going for a record on how many words per minute I can type. I did make an appointment to see him next Tuesday just to see what this little upshoot looks like. What I find even funnier is that we really dont' have that much dosh in our savings account.....so maybe his records are 6 months old:)
3) Guy on the bus who ALWAYS sits next to me and then ALWAYS proceeds to take up two thirds of the double seat and the wave is freaking newspaper around. Not only does he irritate me, but the person who's closest in front also gets hit with the paper. Put the damn thing away, get an iPod and listen to the news via a podcast. Nutter. Why can't he sit elsewhere.
4) Ankle. Not sure the Chinese Dr helped. In fact I now a big red rash and it's still smarting. To make it worse my left knee has how started to hurt....right at the top. I think I just over extended in a gym class but we'll see. Hopefully it'll be better. I'm secretly hoping that I'm going to wake up one day and my ankle doesn't hurt anymore.....
I'm still mad as crap about #2.....but maybe typing it out will help
1 comment:
Since your the primary account holder? Yeah - that would totally tick me off as well... what they hey?
The sad thing is that guys that think this way - don't even realize that they are being insulting - and telling them anything does no good.
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