Weight Loss Tracker

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Blue lips

Yesterday the girls arrived for their holiday break. As part of their gift I arranged for them to have a couple of personal training sessions each - they are both so eager to get fit and healthy (and lose a few pounds) before Rachel gets married that I thought it'd be good if they talked to a professional who could show them how to strength train. More muscle means you burn more ....so it's all good.

They each did brilliantly with Billy and they're going to go back at the weekend for more punishment:) Anyway....I had a session with him too. I was feel particularly weird yesterday and I have no idea why. The only way I can describe it is that my brain was left of center - definitely not myself. I had a bad day at work, and had skipped lunch - most unlike me. However I'd eaten an omelet, an apple and some nuts so I'd had some nutrition. Anyway, I train pretty hard when I work out - and I had made the odd comment about not making me balance as I was not feeling so great. About 40 minutes into the workout (it's usually 90mins) Billy says "I think it's time you sat on the bike" - which is code for "cool down, you're done". I found out later after he'd met with Rach that apparently my lips had turned blue, I'd gone deathly pale and didn't look too hot. Apparently another indicator I wasn't well was that I didn't swear at him once and complain:)

So, I came home, sat and I feel fine today. How strange is that?

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