Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A new gym....

We finally did it. After all the let-downs and complaining, we quit the gym we'd been at for almost 3 years, and have moved. It's such a relief. It's been so nice the past few weeks being able to go to a friendly place, with clean towels that down smell, with classes that are a) plentiful and b) happen at the advertised time. It's close to home and we've transitioned very well.

The tipping point came when we turned up on a Monday evening for a spin class and they wouldn't let us into the gym because "there's something wrong with your membership, you need to see a manager". I was not happy, especially as we'd been there the previous day. Anyhow we waited a few minutes and after a little while I mentioned to Trev that we could still make our favourite spin class at the new gym for which we had a 7 day membership. With that I leaned over the counter and told them exactly that. Next day Trev called the gym to speak to the manager (who, of course, didn't proactively call us....) to find out the problem as we knew we were paid up to date. Anyway, they wanted to double our membership.....for all the BS and about a third of the classes they used to have.....yeah, like that was a good incentive to join. NOT!

During February we actually had our final month at the old gym and briefly considered not joining until March, but we decided for our own sanity and health we were going to run both memberships for the month. Anyway....it was a good job we did because Trev went last weekend for one of his favourite classes - and that instructor had quit. It must just be a matter of time until they go under.

It's costing $1 less a month each at our new gym and another cool thing is that there are unlimited guest passes for those who come and stay with us - which is just AWESOME!

Anyway, that phase is over and we are enjoying our new weekday haunt.

That's the first phase of our gym transition. The second is more radical. So, since the girls visited back at the beginning of December we've not been able to train with Billy. We both enjoy the kick ass routines he puts us through and we miss it. So, we've decided to focus on our spare room and turn it into a gym. The equipment is on order (bench, weights, bands, ball etc). The bedframe and chest of drawers is going up on Craigslist this weekend, I've already picked out a new desk (although don't really have the money right now). Just have to decide what type of gym flooring we need. And that is what Amazon is for:) I'm just soooo excited about this.

My one thing that has stopped us doing it before is what to do with the bed. When we have people stay they usually stay for a while rather than a weekend so I don't want to not have available a comfortable bed. That said, it takes up the whole room and that's ridiculous when 90% of the time no-one is sleeping in it. We have a couple of choices:

1) take the box spring and mattress and store it in the hallway outside. Two issues with this: firstly, I'm probably violating some fire code and second, it'll gather dust over time.

2) have a murphy-type bed built. That means I can have a frame, keep our current mattress and have it folded against the wall in the bedroom most of the time and then bring it out when guests stay.

I'm going with #2 at the moment, but it'll depend on the moolah needed to put a murphy bed frame on the wall. The builder is coming in on Monday for a few other things so am going to discuss then. Can't wait!

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