Clearing out the closet
Growing up I was always used to celebrating Easter - and still do, it's just different here. In England Easter starts on Thursday lunchtime where you clear out of work and then Good Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays. None of these days are public holidays here - I get Good Friday off, but Trevor has always had to work. That makes it a strange holiday.
So today my original plan was to work the morning, then go into town to meet Trev for lunch before heading off to physio. Next I thought I'd head off to the mall to go shopping.... then I decided I had enough clothes. So I spent most of the morning clearing out my closet. At work there's a been a clothes drive the past couple of weeks, especially for business wear as it goes to an organization who focuses on women who are on welfare and getting back into the work place. Last year I participated and gave some stuff away, this year I have even more reason to.
While I've stalled in weightloss during March due to all the trips and parties since last fall I've lost about 20 pounds. I've gone from size US 14/16 to size 10, and even that's getting loose. I've also been working out well and it's really beginning to show. Not only are my pants getting smaller, and the bra size shrunk (which I'm so happy about!!) but now all the sweaters and tops I have are starting to get too big. Rather than ditch everything I've just spent the morning going through everything - trying it on and putting in piles that stuff that I just can't wear.
I'm happy - but what's awful is all the money spent on these clothes. I have suits and jackets I've just got to give away because they don't fit. I do have the "woo-hoo" going on - but at the same time I'm just thinking of all the money I'll have to spend to replace it all.
For now as long as I have 2-3 pairs of work pants, 2-3 pairs of jeans and a dozen tops or so for work then I'll be good. I don't want to buy too much in case I keep shrinking.
Certainly the brown jeans I bought in England last summer with my friend Debbie, that were just way way too tight are getting to the point where they're too loose. Yippee! Hopefully I'll get back soon so I can show off!!
This has given me the motivation to keep off the chocolate and partying and start focusing on my butt. I have a wedding in Mexico at the end of May and I'd like to drop at least another 5lb by then.....let's see if I can do that!!
Woohoo! Way to go!
Now, I have to confess, beyond being extremely happy to see the new you, I'm a bit jealous; I'm still in a 12...! So you don't get to complain about me trying to lose weight anymore! You've surpassed me!
Thanks! I know how hard it is. I think bcus I now focus on being healthy it's having positive effects! BTW I think u looked great (either that or u hid it well lol).
Yay, you! You look fabulous!
We just got a membership at the Y and are going to concentrate on getting a lot more active. The boys are totally psyched. Tom wants to lose the love handles and I think the physical activity will be great to manage my depression!
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