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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Trip to Cedar Rapids

Sorry I've been so absent - between trips and work, I've got out of the habit of writing. I'm hoping to rectify that right now. We had a riot in Iowa - check out the pics below. We just had so much fun - with catching up with everyone, to our friend Jane's 40th birthday party. It's great to see so many friends come out for us. Makes me want to visit more often.

It was also great to see Carrieanne in her own world. She's got a great house and a wonderful set of friends. I got to visit where she works - and everyone LOVES her! While she may not end up staying in her house (forces not under her control...blame the landlord!) she clearly has carved out a great lifestyle. It was fun to hang out - even with Louie, the weird ass cat!

Work is still nuts. I don't have time to eat or sleep. I feel like I'm permanently sick and that I'm even giving up important classes at the gym. I'm turning over a new leaf on April 1st - I have to limit work and start doing the things I love - especially as it's spring and I want to get my bike out.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Trip to Colorado

So, last weekend we headed out to Colorado to see Peter, celebrate Trev's birthday and meet Stephanie. As you'll see from the pics, we had a blast! We were tired all week trying to recover, but we had fun.

03-07-09 Trev's B-day in Colorado

First day Peter, Trev and I went ski-ing. It was a little slushy but not too bad. I was totally paranoid regarding my ankle but did OK after a while. I did stop after lunch and let the boys carry on as I didn't want to hurt myself - gave me an excuse to sit on one's behind and do nothing much. Lovely.

Friday we hung out in Boulder all day. We went and saw Peter's office, had a great lunch, did a little work (well c'mon....it's not like I couldn't), and then ate ourselves silly. Stephanie and I spent a great deal of time shopping at Ann Taylor (or Ann Taylor Loft) as she gets a fantastic employee discount - woooohoooo! Love it. I think over the course of the weekend I was in one of these stores at least 6 times:) I have the bill to prove it. I just keep telling myself it would have been a lot worse had I not had the big ass discount!

Saturday Trev and Peter went ski-ing again while Steph and I went shopping again:) It ended all too soon with us returning home late on Sunday. It was fun!

We're off to Iowa this coming weekend - so it'll be another round of catching up and partying. Can't wait.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I knew it was true....


Hahah - I'm a stickler for this. I like my tea "just so". This is a cup of hot, strong, English tea.

Boiling water has to be put on the tea, a little milk. It must be strong and hot. I am happiest when I drink it from a favourite mug.

Now it's in print - I know I'm not nuts!

Friday, March 06, 2009

My hellish fortnight ended in Colorado

Now I'm safely with Peter in Colorado and have done a day's ski-ing I can relax and reply the past few weeks. This may go on a bit....don't say I didn't warn you:)

Every time I think I'm getting somewhere at work I relax, feel better, start working normal hours....and then it all blows up again. I had a cathartic afternoon last Friday by basically telling the guy that's been giving me grief EXACTLY how I felt. This is the same dude that has hounded me for the last 4 years - he's worked for me directly a few times, and I've even threatened to fire him if his behaviour didn't change (but changed my job before I could follow through). It never ceases to amaze me that he assumes everyone (regardless of their level!) is an idiot and has done absolutely nothing, and even if they had, it would be crap. It's infuriating. It was so bad about a month ago in my 121 with my boss I asked her to clarify my role in the project. It was simple....I was her. This made such a difference - it was clear that I was running the program. This made it really easy for me and i was back on track. That was my first 'serenity' moment - when clarity hit and I didn't need to worry about feelings so much.

OK, back to Friday. I have put together a program and presentation for this project to start communicating to staff proactively. I have lots of experience and am clear on the detail I want to portray. I sent a note stating the agenda, asked for feedback and then asked the team to provide me with their slides to include. Good, right? OK...what set me off was that he replied to my email, copied my boss (yeah, that's right - copied my boss!!!!!) and said he didn't agree with the agenda. Never talked to me, called or anything. Un - freaking - real. I went nuts - it takes a lot for me to lose my temper but I was not happy for a few reasons:

1) not talking to me if you're not happy shows a lack of respect....
2) my boss doesn't give a crap....her view is simple - she's paying you to fix the problems
3) my boss doesn't understand the word "NO" :):):)
4) I was running the project/program

Anyway, I told him he needed to find me on Friday and we WOULD TALK.....not exchange email. It took until 3.30pm for him to find me.... and it started nice enough. He then started saying he was annoyed that I didn't consult him, that I was interfering etc etc. I said that I agreed, I was interfering but that's because he's worked on this project a year and there's no plan, documentation, issues list, task list or ANYTHING. I had also asked around for feedback on the current team structure and people weren't happy. I immediately asked him if he understood my role (he said no) and then clarified. I gave it back to him right between the eyes.

1) I have asked several times for the agenda before his meetings in case I want to add anything. I never get it
2) He makes comments in meetings that are not correct
3) he keeps complaining/escalating about resources, but he doesn't actually have a plan or documentation to demonstrate it's an issue at this point
4) He excludes me from decisions he's unilaterally made for the department that miss key items. Because he doesn't consult me ever the only time I can challenge is at a meeting

I could go on, but I feel my blood pressure rising.

Here comes the cathartic moment. He started going on at me about a million things. "I sent notes, or copy notes to Deb (my boss) and I get no response". That was so funny to me. I looked at him and asked him if he was expecting direction from her.....he said yes. This is when I started laughing. I said to him that it's not her style - and that she's expecting us to provide that direction to the team. She's expecting regular updates that she can give to her management, she needs documentation that can show her we have it under control, she needs to be able to work with competing forces and look at all of them - and that his number 1 priority should be to cover her ass! Anyway that's when I realized that this kid for all his BS actually likes to be told what to do. Interesting.

Now, I thought everything was clear, I sent out a kick off meeting notice for planning with all key players in our group globally for next Wednesday. He then tells me again that the agenda is wrong. WTF is wrong with this guy? There's nothing I can do while I'm watching the beautiful Colorado mountains....

the other thing that drives me nuts is that he challenges everyone but without a context. Example - "so, when do you think you'll have it? Wednesday? No, why not? It has to be Friday at the latest" he doesn't know he needs it by then and the other guys have lots of work going on. What amazes me is that the don't push back on him....because I know I would.

Anyway, it's now just a matter of time before I kick his ass out. His usefulness is gone I think.

I talked to my boss again, just to verify my approach and what I'm doing and she's fine. Hopefully this will resolve itself.

Anyway, here we are in Colorado. We ski'ed yesterday and I think today we're hanging out in Boulder. Had great indian food last night and enjoying getting away for a few days.

The clock goes forward Saturday night for us, with the 2 hour time difference, and landing at home at 11pm Sunday night our Monday is going to be tiring.

Two weeks from now we're back in Iowa. I'm so looking forward to that weekend it's not even funny! I can catch up with friends and enjoy - but it'll be another knackering weekend!