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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Mum's Update

So it's been a week since I've managed to get an update on here and I'm sure everyone wants to know how my mum is.

As of last night, she's doing good. She's recovered well from the surgery which is fabulous. She's up and about although still on pain killers. She ended up having a full hysterectomy but bladder and bowel is attached. I think she's more relieved she has her bowel than anything else. The doctor has indicated that he CANNOT give the all clear as he found fibroids and other "masses" that he cannot identify. They been sent away for analysis but the results are not expected back for 7-10 days after surgery. On the good side, he's also said that whatever it is is contained and has all been removed. Have to say it's a nerve-wracking time as we wait - I've decided to stay longer than planned so that I'm here ready for the results. I'm planning on being back in the UK at the end of February for a work trip and will plan on staying then also. The hospital ward that Mum is on is pretty good by UK health standards - each room only has 4 beds and it's quiet too. they also have a room where patients can entertain, make tea/coffee etc. Nurses are great too.

Weird thing happened at the hospital yesterday....Mum's on Stour Ward, but apparently on weekends they close that ward and she has to go to Waveney ward. Something to do with cost cutting etc. Yeah....whatever. So, you have to put up with it and say "OK" which was fine...... until the nurses came in 3 hours before they were planning on moving and asked the patients to pack up their stuff. Now that's ridiculous....these people have had MAJOR surgery - how can yo uask them to bend down and pick stuff up. Don't get me wrong....it's not the nurses' fault - they're running round picking up everything from TVs to blood pressure monitors and locking them away as apparently they'll get stolen if they don't. Can you imagine? I've decided that 10 years in America has changed what I consider acceptable....

Other stuff - Tim, Dad and I have hung out a lot which has been great. Also met up with Jenny and Frankie for a beer last night and we're seeing Diana and Charlie tonight. On Sunday I'm spending time with Debbie. Should be fabulous. Now I'm staying another week I'll look up other people too.

Work has been great, so supportive i couldn't ask for anything else. I've managed to do a few things, but certainly I've dropped off on a few too....I'm going to catch up this weekend and then get cracking this week.

On the TV front in England they have a few good programs. One of them that I'm hooked on is Rock School. For those of you who've seen the movie School of Rock....it's the reality version of that. Gene Simmons (KISS) - aka arrogant american rock star - goes into a school and has a month to turn a bunch of kids into a rock band. The one I watched last week was going into a Surrey boarding school and turning 10 kids who play classical music into a rock band who opened for Motorhead in London. It was great..... not that I generally get into reality TV that much - but there's little on and only 4 channels at Tim's. It was pretty good.

Finally got over the jetlag...went to bed for the first time last night before midnight. Should be good.

OK, gotta go do some work.

I've not had an update on Penny.....so will try and call her in the next couple of days.

American Airlines

So, sitting on American Airlines on my way to England I had a few thoughts. I managed to finish all my work (literally!) that I could do. My email is filed, my to do list written, done a couple of jobs and then the battery ran out....this is the "typed up" version. Have to say I've never written a blog on paper before.

My first beef is at American Airlines....it's sooooo cheap! The last time I travelled coach to the UK was in July 2004. Then I only noticed a gin a tonic wasn't available unless I paid (July 2005 was a business trip so doesn't count). It's now so different.

On the bad side:
- Movie channels - terrible. there was a single movie (the Brothers Grimm) and then about 4 other channels of CSI, Joey, Cartoons, News, ESPN. Yawn...
- No snacks and no drinks. You got a drink with both meals - that's it. I'm so glad I brought an extra bottle of water with me.
- The snack before we landed was carb heaven....not balanced at all. We had cheese and tomato pizza, packet of biscuits (cookies) and pasta salad. Not a vegetable to be seen...or fruit for that matter. The first meal was OK.

On the good side:
- The plane was half empty, I had the front row in coach so that was brilliant. Loads of room etc etc
- They've now equipped the plan with cigarette lighter type PC power things. that was great except I didn't have my adapter with me and they wanted $119 to buy one. I'll know for next time!

Because I ran out of PC power (and we all know I'm addicted to PCs, the internet etc) I read the book Trevor bought me for Christmas. Jimmy Carter's latest "Our Endangered Values". Very easy read - read it all in one go on the plane. It looks at religion and politics - from a democrat's standpoint obviously. He brings up anomalies like "how can George Bush want to ban abortion but at the same time send a 20 year old to a war that shouldn't have started".

Oh yeah, and before I forget. I hit at AMAZING milestone. We got to the airport and had coffee...I bent down and guess what?????? My trainers (sneakers) wore out. They have a rip. that has never ever ever happened to me before. I guess that means I'm officially a health nut. Now, gotta crack that weight problem.....

Friday, January 20, 2006

Penny's update

Ok so worried from Missouri couldn't take the fact that my friend Penny hadn't updated her blog in over a week....and knowing she had been sick I was worrying even more. So....I texted her on our cells yesterday to make sure she was OK...and then we chatted for ages. Was good to talk again although she's very sick.

So here are the symptoms ... she can't even sit up without being so dizzy she's sick. She's seen a neurologist, chiropractor, regular doctor who've diagnozed everything from depression to migrane (this is after she was diagnozed with something to do with ministrokes). She cannot function, she's not working, Alex is at daycare as she can't care for him, Adam is doing OK but a teenager so the house is a pit (I'm taking Penny's word for this BTW). She's on a waiting list for Mayo clinic and also UofI hospitals. UofI is on Jan 30th so til then she's stuck in bed.

I promised to keep in touch and will do. So look for updates here instead of her blog.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Back from NYC

Back from NYC....

So I spent the last week in NY. Was pretty cool - met a lot of people, I have my account assignments etc.....or so I thought:) As always things change and it's very possible that the job I'm moving to NY for will move organizations. What that means is there's a restructuring imminent and that my boss and my boss' boss would change. Not sure how I feel about that. One of the biggest things I've moved for is the environment I'm in - I love it. I'm impressed that my SVP told me about it (and that I shouldn't say anything) and she's giving me the option of whether I stay and go. We agreed as I'm in the UK for Mum's surgery next week that we can wait until after that to decide what to do. She's said that her boss and HR have agreed to find me a job that's just as prestigeous and visible if I decide to stay. My gut tells me I should stay unless I know who the new boss will and I'm familiar with how they operate.....and I always regret it when I don't follow my gut. We'll see....until the end of next week it's irrelevant anyway.

Trev flew up for the weekend and we hung out. We walked from Times Square to Central Park without even realising it. then we called a friend in Connecticut to see if they were free for dinner...and they were. so we hurtled by cab to Grand Central and caught the train. What I realised what that I really don't want a long train journey to work.... so now I have 2 things that I don't want while living in NY

1) a long train journey
2) to change trains.

Hopefully as the months go on I'll add to this list so that by the time we have to figure out what to do then we'll know where to live and what we want to do.

I'm worried about my friend Penny. She always updates her blog at least every 2 days....and it's been over a week. She's had health problems.....so matey - let me know you're OK. If not, i'll have to start calling.

On the house front (remember we have our old and current houses on the market) it's looking up. In St Louis we're getting lots of people through the house and we've even had someone ask "can they be out by the end of Jan".... In Cedar Rapids there was an Open House last weekend with lots of people through - and one couple interested. Only the guy who ran the Open House (not really sure why my realtor wasn't running it ....but hey ho) didn't ask for their names or their realtor. Duh! What an idiot. I bet if it had been his commission he would have asked. Let's hope we get them sold sharpish.....it'll make it all much easier. Also found the possibility of another rental but we'll have to investigate that further.

So...given the house news the coming weekend we've got to take stock and get 3 piles of stuff ready:

1) stuff we'll take to NY immediately
2) stuff that we have to get rid of
3) stuff to put in storage in case we don't like NY

We have soooooooooo much stuff....it's going to be hard as we did it only 2 years ago. this time though it'll be things like the bikes we brought over from England that we've ridden only once. We really don't need them. Another thing that will go are the red sofas.....they were mine from the UK and I paid fortune for them in 1992..... but they're not comfy enough so I'm looking for a good home. All our wooden book cases that we have must go - they're bulky and we just won't have room. That will probably include the dining room dresser too. Oh yeah, and a recumbant exercise bike - flipping fantastic...but we won't have the room. i'm going to make an inventory list this weekend, take pictures and a) offer to kids, b) put up for sale - work and ebay, c) find great home sfor it and if that all fails (d) goodwill. To continue the list - 36 inch regular TV and associated tables, coffee table, fireplace equipment, computer desk, and all those bookcases too. And oodles and oodles of computer stuff. Oh yeah, and a PC that needs sto be rebuilt that we NEVER use. 2.0GHZ, 4 years old. pretty good nick just has a virus or something on it.....as I say - lots ot go.

Things I can't bear to part with: The 42 inch plasma TV, the couch, my brand new comfy patio set that I've only used 1 season, our king size bed, frame and chests of drawers, dining room table and lots of kitchen stuff. Oh yeah, and then tons of boxes of "stuff from years gone by. I have yet mentioned our huge wardrobe of clothes. I can't decide if I'm every gonna get into the skinny stuff again....or I'll just stay cuddly forever. Probably the latter.

Last thing about Trev - he's having a riot on his new job so that's just great. I'm not sure I like him being away all the time but we'll see - it may work out.

More as I think of it.....get ready for the inventory list!!!!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Good news and Bad news

Good news: Trevor started his job on Thursday....and he's loving it already. He can work from home and he's with people he likes working with. It may not be a NY salary...but he's happy and that's all that counts. They also said I'd prob get offered a job too if I wanted it so if we don't like NY then I have a fallback plan....perfect!

Bad news: My mum emailed this week...the docs found a "mass" in her abdomen. She needs emergency surgery for a) a hysterectomy and b) removal of the mass. They've told her it could be a tumor or cancer...they don't know. they have 3 surgeons on hand, and have warned her she may lose her bowel. She seems OK, although I was losing it when in true British fashion the emergency surgery was scheduled in 2 weeks (Jan 25th). Over the shock, I'm OK too - I'll be in the UK at the end of Jan for the surgery....from there we'll see - right now I fly back after a week but that can always change.

Obviously family comes first, but work have been great. It's been "whatever we can do". The company I work for allows for both remote and home working as it's a global company. that means I'll be able to do whatever I need. Right now I'm on the positive side so I'll be in NY full time by end Feb.

This weekend we're in NY looking for places to live. rather than scouring we're hanging out in different neighbourhoods trying to find out what we want to do. I've made 2 decisions: 1) only 1 train (no changing) and 2) 30-45 mins is the max commute. We'll see what that brings us. Hanging out in NYC for the last few days we're getitng more excited about being here.

so now I'm starting to plan what shows I want to go and see....Spamalot, The Producers.....I can go on. Ooooh what fun!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Next steps...

I got my letter finally on Friday......was really peed off that they called the job "team leader".....but they have changed it to manager so I'm OK now. Haven't signed it yet. I'm off to the Big Apple for a week to check it out - let's see what we find. I'm still a bit worried that I'm not getting really excited - but that's prob the stress of the whole move. It didn't help that my old boss was winding me up about my old job - especially as i got the travel schedule for the year - 4 trips to England I would have had. May be that's why i feel bad. Oh well.....once I get to NYC it'll be good.

On Trev's side we had a turn of events - for the good (I might add). He traveled to Chicago on Thursday to interview for a job at a company where a lot of ex-colleagues from his current company work. He enjoyed meeting up with Carlos, Jane and Justin - and they offered him a job. The job is home based and he can travel to Chicago a few days a week. We figure it's better to be employed rather than wait a few months for a work permit, especially with our current financial situation. The pay isn't brilliant, esp if we're living in NYC but it's better than nothing. They've said they'll pay travel, internet access, get a VOIP phone etc and laptop so will be cool. Think Trev's looking for a break so this will be good - it's doing relationship management and project management so he'll have a blast. They've also said they'll hire me if I'm interested (which I'm not right now).

Will be strange not having us working at the same place but should be fine. Think we'll look now to buy an apartment in manhattan (a closet sized one...but one nonetheless) as I won't want to travel too far if I'm on my own. Prices are ridiculous but I guess we'll make money....and that's something we didn't do in the mid-west.

We did nothing this weekend other than get a massage, have dinner with friends at Zhivagos, a Russian restaurant. Met my trainer this morning to work it all off so feel better.

Oh well...off to get dinner

Thursday, January 05, 2006

60 Questions

Just to prove Penny wrong....I will reply!

1. What time did you get up this morning? 5.00am (it's usually 6am) but Trev had to get up for a flight to Chicago to interview for a job. Tried to go back to sleep - but no go. Oh well, it's now 6.37am and I'm doing this at work. What a sad-o

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Wallace and Gromit - the Case of the Were Rabbit. Brilliant

4. What’s your favorite TV show? I have several: Wire in the Blood (BBC America), All CSIs, Law and Order SVU and my latest favourite is House (on Fox). Oh yeah, and John Stewart's Daily Show (Comedy Central)

5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? Nothing yet - as I said, it's 6.37am

6. What's your favorite cuisine? Thai or Japanese

7. What foods do you dislike? Parsnips, turnips, broad beans, anything badly cooked

8. What is your favorite chip flavor? Salt and Vinegar or Bovril (both English flavours.....you have to scour in America for the S&V....and Bovril doesn't exist)

9. Whats your favorite CD at the moment? Jason Mraz - Mr A-Z

10. What kind of car do you drive? Depends what day it is. On days I want to drive fast the Pontiac Grand Prix GTP....on days when I want luxury the Lexus RX330

11. What’s your favorite sandwich? Bacon

12. What characteristics do you despise? Arrogance, controlling, lying, disrespect (sounds like an old boss of mine)

13. Favorite item of clothing? A lime-green sweater I got from Marks and Spencer in England

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? For the familiar, Heron Island (Great Barrier Reef, Australia). For new territory Japan, Thailand

15. What color is your bathroom(s)? Cream

16. Favorite brand of clothing? Jones New York (I scour sales racks all the time). For cheap....I like the George brand at Walmart (but don't tell anyone!)

17. Where would you retire? I would have apartments/houses on 3 continents....1 in America, 1 in England and 1 in Australia/New Zealand

18. Favorite time of the day? Mornings - it's when i get time to myself. Doesn't matter whether it's at home or work.

19. What was your most memorable birthday? For fun, my 25th - I had a huge party to celebrate. I did all the catering so in hindsight I must have really really wanted to do it. For memory...my 29th - I was in the emergency room with Rachel who had a fly in her ear.

20. Where were you born? Hemel Hempstead, England

21. Favorite sport to watch? None.......I'd rather get a massage any day

22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? No-one

23. Person you expect to send it back first? As I said, No-one

24. What fabric detergent do you use? All Free

25. Were you named after anyone? Not that I know of

26. Do you wish on stars? Not really

27. When did you last cry? About 6 weeks ago when Trev and I had a huge bust up (see one of the earliest blogs)

28. Do you like your handwriting? If I'm using a great pen then yes - otherwise no.

29. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? I suppose

30. Are you a daredevil? Yep

31. Do looks matter? Only in so far as if you're dirty, unclean and/or tatty.....otherwise no

32. How do you release anger? The gym, yelling, listening to loud music, talking a lot to anyone who'll listen (generally in a bar)

33. Where is your second home? I guess I have a second home - it's in England

34. What class in High School was totally useless? Math - I hated it.....not really sure why I took Woodwork either or any science for that matter (I hated it)

35. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yeah......whatever

36. Favorite movie? Rocky Horror Picture Show

38. What are your nicknames? Phil....and oi you. In years gone by it's been Pip, Pippa, Fred (Fred because my maiden name was Bassett and there was a newspaper cartoon called Fred Basset - decided once I hit the workplace that it was a little unsophisticated....so that's how I got Phil)

39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No

40. Do you think that you are strong? Now I've been working out with a trainer for year - absolutely

41. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Heath Bar

42. What are your favorite colors? Blue, cream, lime-green

43. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My body (well....to be specific.......my ass and legs)

44. Who do you miss the most? My gran

45. Do you want everyone you sent this to send it back? not especially

46. What color pants are you wearing? Brown

47. What are you listening to right now? Silence

48. Last thing you ate? Turkey, baked potato, green beans followed by English chocolate

49. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue

50. Last person you talked to on the phone? Trevor....we were deciding when to leave work last night

51. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their personality

52. Favorite Drink? Surfer or acid....although gives me terrible hangovers (thanks John for introducing me). My next favourite Grey Goose, Grapefruit and a splash of Red Bull (for those nights when you need to wake up to have fun....again thanks John)

53. Do you wear contacts? Yep

54. Favorite Day(s) of the Year? Any day when I'm at home doing nothing

55. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy endings

56. Summer or Winter? Summer

57. Hugs OR Kisses? Kisses

58. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Chocolate profiteroles

59. What Book are you Currently Reading? I'm not - I do have Jimmy Carter's new book (Christmas present) that I'll start when I get a moment

60. What's On Your Mouse Pad? Don't have one - at work I just use the desk, and I'm usually on a laptop anyway

Phew! I'm done

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

2006 is here

Ok, I wrote this post once and the PC froze and I lost the lot - let's hope I remember everything.

Both houses are up for sale - and getting good traffic through for each. it'd be good to sell in the next few weeks but not sure if it'll go that quickly. On the St Louis house we had had the house on the market for an hour and someone from the sub-division called with a friend who'd pay cash......if only we'd known before enlisting a realtor. Hey ho...

Trev leaves his current job Jan 11th and then flies back to the UK. He has an interview in Chicago with some old colleagues at a new company this week. He's interviewing with Carlos, Jane and Justin........hahahahahaha. I've said that he should ask if the gossip is still the same - but he won't. I did say he'd know by looking at them - but we'll see. Carlos did say he'd hire me too but I want the job in NYC so no go. Let's hope he has something on the east coast for Trev. Trev's also pursuing some stuff in my NYC office but not sure if he's that interested-I guess we'll see. Worst case Trev will have to work in the UK fora few months until his work permit comes through.

I had my health exam this week - starting the year off right. My BP was 113/70 which is excellent - waitinig for all the results of the blood tests etc which'll take a week or so. I'm sure it'll be fine. They told me I needed to lose weight......yeah, right, like I didn't know that. I did say that I work out 5 times a week, I can run a mile....what's the problem. I think moving to NYC where I have to walk everywhere will fix everything. I want a magic potion like I had a few years back - ephedra was a wonderful thing. I'm trying Zantrex3 right now so we'll see how that goes. I haven't had the heebiejeebies yet so we're doing OK. it's day 2 of the diet and I'm doing OK.

For work I'm still waiting for the official letter....but my job is posted, my 2 vacancies are posted but my curernt boss won't let me move until end Feb. I guess that's OK as it maximizes the time that before we have to pay NYC rent. Right now they'll pay up until end April which is great. We could do with the dosh.

So, we went to Vegas at new year. Was awesome! See here for the pics for both Christmas and New Year. See pics below for both.


Christmas we stayed home - Carrieanne and Rachel came to visit. Was quiet but we had fun. Then for New year we met some friends from England in Vegas. Didn't lose too much money - and we had a riot. It was amazing being outside in a crowd....a long time since I've done that. What a blast!!!!

Anyway, better go and do some work.......more later!