Weight Loss Tracker

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

To IPOD or not to IPOD

Up until now I've not even considered an IPOD as a "must have" gadget. I have to say though that the more that I'm commuting and listening to music all the time, the more I find I'm drawn to the cute little buggers. It's only now that my 1GB MP3 player doesn't seem enough - it seems too much like hard work to change my music each week. On average I get through 2 albums a day - one on the way to work, one on the way back. I'm also finding that it depends what my mood is as to what I want to listen to. That means I need more choice of what to listen to. Doesn't it sound like I'm writing my own justification?

I guess it's not too difficult to move music once a week....I just don't know what I want to listen to. Have to say though, if they had a 60GB NANO it'd be a slam dunk and I'd buy one immediately!

A few other things to go on my list of what to spend my reward on
- SLR digital camera
- Upgrade my current digital camera

Still haven't decided...have a year to make my mind up. Yeah!

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