Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Feel like crap

I can't shift this cold. I hate taking drugs, but in order to function and survive thank goodness for alkaseltzer day and night time. It's helping. I did manage to complete a round of training in the gym yesterday and I did feel better after it; that said, tonight I thought it'd be best if I didn't push it as tomorrow I have double duty with training and then a spin class.

9am breakfast - oatmeal with milk
11am snack - celery/carrots with peanut butter and hummus
1.3opm lunch - steak salad
4pm snack - a few mentos (a bit of a cheat I know...!!)
7pm dinner - chilli with stir fried bacon

Gym - none

Really getting in the groove again. Let's see if I can make it another 8lb for November!!!!!

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