Weight Loss Tracker

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Things that make me mad

Last night I figured the post I'd write which wasn't about work, gym or diet was going to be about 1st st in the town in which I live. We have cars on either side of the street, with pedestrians having complete right of way, and taking it. When I drive back from the gym at the top of town I have about a 10 block drive down 1st St. The uninitiated will always break at each intersection because the cars/trucks come flying out - even though it's your right of way. This results in lots of unnecessary braking and honking of horns. Last night I decided that I was going to drive without braking once.....and I made it!

I was so happy about this that when I when around the block and into our street imagine my horror when there was no way to drive my car into MY DRIVEWAY. Now remember, cars everywhere.....and we have a one car-width driveway. So, when a blinking great van and an inconsiderate car over park either wide of our white lines it makes it completely impossible to turn into the drive way. I was SOOOOOOOO MAD. Anyway, I double parked (everyone else does, why shouldn't I?) and figured I'd go upstairs and immediately call the police. Anyway, sweaty and horrible that I was (remember I had just got back from the gym) I ran down stairs again and was going to find a space for the car while I called (I figured with my luck i'd get a ticket if I left the car where it was). Anyway, just as I was getting ready to drive off, the people in the van turned up. It all ended well as they backed up so i could get my car in. That kind of thing I think is inconsiderate and I'd never do that to anyone.

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