Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...

Yep, that was me. I was getting out of the car-hire transit bus at Denver Airport and my shoe got caught under the loose lip. Now, I'm not a 92lb woman.....so imagine my ass cart-wheeling over and smacking my ankle against the edge of the bus and then landing with a thud on the ground between the bus and the path. I've sat with ice for ages and ages - and I even walked to the gym and did a workout so I'm guessing it's just bruised. I will go to the doc and make sure tomorrow.
What I was amazed at was a) the bus driver had no medical training AT ALL so was at a complete loss at what to do and b) no-one from the airport was even remotely interested in the fact that I was lying on the ground and couldn't get up.
After a while I limped through security etc etc and flew home.....
Anyway we took lots of pictures and will be contacting Budget car rental for compensation. Let's hope it's just a bruise.....!

1 comment:

Penny said...

Oooh! Ouch! I'm thinking that since I tore my ACL & you've bruised your ankle (hopefully nothing broken in there!)... both in CO - maybe we weren't meant to spend a lot of "spring time" in CO????!