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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Trip to Cedar Rapids

Sorry I've been so absent - between trips and work, I've got out of the habit of writing. I'm hoping to rectify that right now. We had a riot in Iowa - check out the pics below. We just had so much fun - with catching up with everyone, to our friend Jane's 40th birthday party. It's great to see so many friends come out for us. Makes me want to visit more often.

It was also great to see Carrieanne in her own world. She's got a great house and a wonderful set of friends. I got to visit where she works - and everyone LOVES her! While she may not end up staying in her house (forces not under her control...blame the landlord!) she clearly has carved out a great lifestyle. It was fun to hang out - even with Louie, the weird ass cat!

Work is still nuts. I don't have time to eat or sleep. I feel like I'm permanently sick and that I'm even giving up important classes at the gym. I'm turning over a new leaf on April 1st - I have to limit work and start doing the things I love - especially as it's spring and I want to get my bike out.

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