Weight Loss Tracker

Monday, March 16, 2009

Trip to Colorado

So, last weekend we headed out to Colorado to see Peter, celebrate Trev's birthday and meet Stephanie. As you'll see from the pics, we had a blast! We were tired all week trying to recover, but we had fun.

03-07-09 Trev's B-day in Colorado

First day Peter, Trev and I went ski-ing. It was a little slushy but not too bad. I was totally paranoid regarding my ankle but did OK after a while. I did stop after lunch and let the boys carry on as I didn't want to hurt myself - gave me an excuse to sit on one's behind and do nothing much. Lovely.

Friday we hung out in Boulder all day. We went and saw Peter's office, had a great lunch, did a little work (well c'mon....it's not like I couldn't), and then ate ourselves silly. Stephanie and I spent a great deal of time shopping at Ann Taylor (or Ann Taylor Loft) as she gets a fantastic employee discount - woooohoooo! Love it. I think over the course of the weekend I was in one of these stores at least 6 times:) I have the bill to prove it. I just keep telling myself it would have been a lot worse had I not had the big ass discount!

Saturday Trev and Peter went ski-ing again while Steph and I went shopping again:) It ended all too soon with us returning home late on Sunday. It was fun!

We're off to Iowa this coming weekend - so it'll be another round of catching up and partying. Can't wait.

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