Weight Loss Tracker

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Time for an update

Ok, so my dear friends, I've been amiss in leaving my diary over a week without an update. What a crazy time it's been....way too much traveling (NY-STL for me, CHI-STL for Trev), having to pack stuff up, getting movers into get a quote, socializing, working, traveling (STL-NY for me, STL-London for Trev) and then back to work with no time. I think it's time for another silent meltdown:)

My to-do list....I'm soooo behind
- reply to Lorraine's email. I'm so happy we've made contact again via email....we're catching up over the 10 years since we've seen each other. It's so much fun, I just need to find half an hour to reply....as right now we're writing lengthy emails.
- taxes....we did turbotax again this year; i'm now convinced we need an accountant as we have a business and still can't get a refund. I think we're missing out. I'm fed up of paying more taxes.
- flexible spending...it's the night of the 29th of March and my 2005 claim is STILL not in the system. MUST FAX TOMORROW
- get more people hired at work. I've made one faux pas this week....but it's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things
- get the list to Penny of what stuff we have and what she wants so she can get the truck hired etc.
- get rid of the other stuff she doesn't want
- find somewhere to live in NYC.....again
- communicate with my family and friends more....
- stop working 90 hours a week
- find somewhere for the pianos in storage...not sure it shoudl be a regular place

On a more positive note...I got my hair done in a New York salon. My friend Heather recommended a salon. It was amazing. 2 hours to colour my hair, an hour to cut it. It looks amazing! Although I'm not quite used to paying NYC prices.....I nearly fainted on the spot. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch and ouch. I keep remind myself why i got the payrise I did....it's to pay for things like this. However, a mortgage is needed I believe - it's so good I have to go back:):)

I'm really starting to enjoying walking everywhere...it's fun. Now my shins don't hurt all the time it's much better. It's also the ONLY exercise I'm getting in NY right now. That sucks...but I'm working on it.

I'm hoping to spend more time this weekend catching up and getting to the point where I'm up to date with work, I've scoped out another part of town to figure out where to live, and I get to do one luxurious thing (whether it's a massage or a pedicure, I don't care...but I'm going to do SOMETHING).

On the living front, I'm realizing why being in Manhattan is cool - it's soooo easy to get home. I like the fact it's a 15 min walk and the fact that if I'm out to dinner it's less than $10 to get home. It's making Brooklyn look less likely....although I really need to try out the train....

Ok, it's 9.40pm ET, I've been up since 4am CT....I'm completely exhausted. I'm off to veg....

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