Weight Loss Tracker

Friday, September 22, 2006

I'm knackered

First the house, more things went wrong, but at least we're moved in. Traveling to Chicago this weekend for Rachel's birthday which is very badly timed as I could do with spending the time emptying boxes. At least I get time to NOT unpack. I guess that's good. So here' sthe latest:

- the parking fine was $160 not $45 as I thought
- the dishwasher doesn't work - I found this out just before I lef t this morning. Works fine, but there's no water - I was on a conference call and wondreed what the smell is....I stopped it, but now it bleeps every 45 seconds. yeah! Hopefully they'l lhave fixed it by the time I get back on Sunday afternoon.
- Cable - turns out the guy who did our cable lied...and should have installed the box. I guess we'll be complaining.
- We have too much stuff. We need to get rid of at least another 30% of our stuff....and get more cupboards.

On the exercise front, I'm doing really well. I now meet regularly with my trainer, Billy. As a triathelete he pushes me to my limits, although noticing changes already. The pilates and yoga class is great also. Would like to add one more session, but not sure when i can do that at this point.

I'm fed up as I'm stuck at the airport, having put my charger i nthe hold. typical! thankfully I have my PSP with all the seasons of Men Behaving Badly on them. I'm just hopping on here as I have a moment to update.

Trev also seems very distant. I'm hoping it's to do with the move and stress....we'll see. Hopefully I can talk with him this weekend.

1 comment:

Penny said...

It's not like you don't have a lot of stress to go around. And I'm sure he's getting tired of not getting to spend enough time together! I'm hoping that's all it is.