Weight Loss Tracker

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Jenness tagged me - so here we go....

"Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog."

- I'm still mad at myself for not completing my MBA. I got an extension, but I still need to find the time to do it.

- Nails. Ever since I was little it's been an uphill battle not to bite my nails. Now, if I paint them with strengthener every day they grow long but quite frankly I can't be bothered.

- I wish that I was as bendy as all the other people in my yoga class. Not only are they all stick thin, but they are sooooooooo bendy.

- My recovery rate after a great night out now takes a full day. That's the one thing that your 30s bring you - blinking huge hangovers. While Beechams Resolve works, I forgot to take it last night:) Great night out though!

- I wish I didn't work so much. I can't seem to stop, never have, probably never will.

- I'm bad at keeping in touch with people. I remember birthdays but I rely very heavily on IM and email. Sometimes I wished I just picked up the flipping phone....finding time is the challenge.

- I'm very proud of my achievements at the gym. I never ever thought in my life I would be fit and my trainer is so fantastic at driving me to challenge myself. I'm constantly amazed at what I've done and where I'm going.

- That said, I wish I was more driven on my own to pump the iron. Problem is I have no drive. I do go to the classes but when it comes to strength training I have no will. Hence why I have a trainer. It's worth it - I don't want diabetes, high blood pressure, knee replacements etc......and that's my investment in myself.

.Now I'm supposed to tag 8 people to do this same thing. Not sure I know 8 people who have a blog - however I do know 2. Penny at http://spider21.blogspot.com/ and Carrieanne at http://carriesconversation.blogspot.com/

If I think of anyone else I'll add them.

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